and Province of Alger joint productions dump trucks and elevators intend to create Belarus

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of the Photo from a site of Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation in Egypt

on April 28, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. Belarus and Province of Alger will be worked by possibilities of creation of coproductions of dump trucks and elevators. Such agreement is reached during visit of delegation of Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus headed by the minister Vitaly Mikhaylovich Vovk to Province of Alger, reported Belarusian cable agency "Belta" in Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation in Egypt.

It was the visit of the minister of the industry first in the history of bilateral diplomatic relations Belarus to Province of Alger. The parties discussed possibilities of expansion of industrial cooperation, creation in Province of Alger the enterprises for production the Belarusian cargo, passenger, agricultural and road-building machinery.

"Reached agreements on creation of the working group on industrial cooperation, study of possible interaction in production area dump trucks, the lift equipment, engine-building, optics. The road map of implementation of data and other projects" will be developed, - noted in embassy.

during visit to Province of Alger Vitaly Mikhaylovich Vovk and the ambassador Belarus Rachkov Sergei met the prime minister, the minister of the industry, the management of the Ministry of Defence, the governor of Province of Alger.

In the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry the Belarusian delegation held negotiations with the management of the Algerian companies, the Belarusian industrial goods interested in deliveries and implementation of possible joint industrial projects. More than 70 representatives of the Algerian companies participated in a meeting.