The head of administration Kamensk-Shakhtinska retires

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The head of administration Kamensk-Shakhtinska retires
Chapter City administration Kamensk-Shakhtinska retires . Oleg Kayudin declared that leaves a post on family circumstances, City administration.

City manager held the post since March 27, 2015. Residents were revolted long ago with work of the head of administration. And repeatedly collected signatures for resignation Oleg Kayudin. In particular, the question about bad and untimely water supply to city houses was brought up. As to the kamenchena repeatedly stated discontent with a paid crossing through the river the Seversky Donets. However for driving through the pontoon bridge continue to raise a payment.

Before appointment to the post in Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Oleg Kayudin since 2012 held chapter Belaya Kalitva.