Kucherenko Sergei became the new minister of work and a social policy of Kolyma

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Kucherenko Sergei. Photo: The press service of the Ministry of Labour and social policy Magadan Region
Priority tasks of the ministry were shined at a meeting with the governor with

on May 23, MagadanMedia. To Magadan Region approved the new minister of work and social policy of the region. After official representation, it and the governor discussed features of work on the department main activities, reports MagadanMedia with reference to Kolyma — Plus TV channel.

the New minister of work and social policy of Kolyma Kucherenko Sergei from 2002 to 2011 worked with

in Omsukchansky office of Management Federal Treasury. From the 2015th was the head of administration of the same city district. After official representation, the governor Vladimir Pecheny and Kucherenko Sergei discussed features of work on the department main activities.

the Biography

Kucherenko Sergei was born

(Georgia). After the termination of Dukatsky high school No. 1 in 1994 began work the pupil of the driver (fireman) of boilers on firm fuel of shop of heatwater supply of Dukat mine.

C 2000 on 2002 worked as the driver of a boiler room at firm fuel on the Lunar field on a shift method of work in CJSC "Silver "Territorii". During the period with 2002 on 2011 worked in office in Omsukchan district Federal treasury department on Magadan oblast, the leading expert, the chief specialist, the chief treasurer, subsequently the head of office. From January, 2011 to December, 2017 replaced the highest position of municipal service of chapter of ADMINISTRATION OMSUKCHAN DISTRICT GORODSKOYE DISTRICTS (the Omsukchansky city district).

C on January 09, 2018 it is appointed the acting as the minister of work and social policy Magadan Region, and since April 02, 2018 it is appointed the minister of work and social policy Magadan Region. On the termination in 2006 of Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training" Sankt-Peterburgsky gosudarstvenny university, St. Petersburg university or St.Petersburg State University" in the specialty "Finance and credit" qualification "Economist" is appropriated to Alexander Pushkin's name. In 2017 graduated FGBOU IN FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "SVGU" in the preparation direction "Law", qualification "Bachelor" is appropriated.

of the Award

  • Letter of thanks of the ministry of state and legal developments Magadan Region.
  • Letter of thanks of the governor Magadan Region.
  • Certificate of honor Magadan the regional.
  • the Letter of thanks Head department ministry Russian Federation on affairs Grazhdansky defenses, to emergency situations and natural disaster response on Magadan region.

Party membership

Consists in "United Russia" Party.