To Republic of Mordovia police officers and members of public council at Ministries of Internal Affairs did "Exercises with the guard"

@MVD Rossii
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Within celebration of the All-Russian day of the athlete police officers of the region and representatives of public council at Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Mordovia joined the stock "Charging with the Guard". The all-Russian action, is dated for the 300 anniversary of the Russian police.

Action for boys and little girls took place

on a complex platform of DYuSSh stadium in Ardatov. Morning sports flashmob under vigorous music employees ABOUT PPSP UMVD in the open air carried out Russian Federation on go Saransk the master of sports in track and field athletics the honored worker of Republic of Mordovia on physical culture and sport the senior coach on track and field athletics of SCHOOL VYSSHEGO SPORTIVNOGO MASTERSTVA the police captain Grechishnikov Grigory and the repeated champion Russian Federation the master of sports of the international class the finalist of the World Cup of Daegu in 2011 (South Korea), the finalist of 2016 Summer Olympics years the police sergeant major Grechishnikova Elizabeth. Action began with easy physical warm-up. Grechishnikov Grigory and Grechishnikova Elizabeth Grechishnikova showed some exercises on training of various groups of muscles. In breaks between charging the staff of the Cultural center Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Mordovia pleased participants of the action with music turns.


Also children were addressed by the member of public council at Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Mordovia, the Bishop Ardatovsky and Atyashevsky Veniamin how physical preparation and a healthy lifestyle is important, than the morning exercises as the physical culture helps to keep good health and why in a profession of the police officer it is so important to keep an excellent physical shape are useful.

Upon termination of action children promised

to guests that will daily try to do morning exercises and to play sports.

