Date of examinations in I and to the IV groups of specialties of higher education institutions is defined

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Gosudarstvenny the examination center (GETs) Azerbaidjan will carry out on May 20 admission examinations on I and the IV groups of specialties of higher education institutions for 2018/2019 academic year. About it it is spoken on Thursday in GETs message, transfers Day.Az with reference to to Trend .

Examinations will take place

in total in 62 buildings in 11 cities of the country - Baku, Nakhchyvane, Ganja, Sumgayyte, Mingyachevire, Sheki, the Bard, Goychay, Shirvan, Lyankyarana and Hachmaz.

Examinations will begin

at 11:00 and three hours will last.

It is expected

Results of examinations, and also the image of the questionnaire will be published 3-4 days later on a site GETs.<"23>" by