Corruption in a Krasnoyarsk way: where richness of Siberia flows away

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the Prosperous landowner Antsiferov Igor © Collage/Ridus

Inhabitants Irbeiskoe district one of the richest regions Russian Federation — Krasnoyarsk Territory — give SOS signal.

Outside the XXI century from it digital economy, and to them it is necessary to drag existence deprived of civil rights, as during an era of early feudalism. Local officials, speak people, squeeze out the last juice of this earth, without leaving on a share of the ordinary worker a drop.

Bobrova Valentine, representing the public project "Find the Corrupt Official", visited Irbeiskoe district and found out why the incalculable richness of Siberia does not do life of people better. Why against official luxury they are compelled to live in the lop-sided peasant houses, and their children — to go to the schools which have rotted through from time which that and look will fail, having buried under the fragments of ten boys and girls.

High temple

on Irbey's body

"Do not show better that you have a chamber, and remove it is reserved, it is unsafe" — so educated in advance Bobrova Valentine local conductors at an entrance to a cutting down place.


of strangers people with severe persons at once send towards.

— Who such? ! — asked gloomy.

— We look for here an allotment …, it here? — conductors answered with a question a question, calling any surname, it is visible local "farmer".

— No, we others — were answered by severe people, seeing off the driving-off car baleful looks.

— you saw, how many they already cut down, and it not the biggest cut-down site, now you will be terrified from scales, went further — tell the local.

They went on a taiga, around snow, but is expensive good and wide, on it big trucks obviously constantly go. Towards the next car with the wood goes, they will constantly occur in the path.

Soon they saw directly in the middle of the wood a huge "bald" spot. On snow remains of the cut-down centenary pines rolled.

— As snow will descend, all will burn that remained to erase traces of crime — explained the local.

— And what to people? Cannot take away at least it for economic needs? — Muscovites asked.

— Really, never! And if only we try though brevnyshko to touch — will put for theft — heard in reply.

only in this place it appeared

of the Cut-down wood approximately on half a billion rubles. Other bald spots are not less large-scale. Surprises also the speed with which the wood is cut down, huge bald heads in a taiga are formed for only some months.

Who stands

behind it? Local point to chapter Irbeiskoe district Antsiferov Igor. By words Bobrova Valentine, a taiga — perhaps, one of the main sources of its fabulous income. The wood illegally cut down and sell to China. The turn makes million dollars a year.

the Scheme to pain is simple. At first mister Antsiferov Igor and his deputy on agriculture and forest branch Glushko Svetlana find in cadastral documents an unaccounted site of a taiga which for some reason appeared out of the register of Forest fund.

After they sign with someone from partners contract about transfer of a site to free use. In the document it is specified that the earth is intended for farming and the new owner is obliged to be engaged in its recultivation. That is "to carry out cutting down, a raskorchevka and a site raspashka, without preservation of separate trees and bushes".

Pri it all wood that is taken out from a site, officially is considered garbage.

"If in Irbeiskoe district to stop the lorry with the wood on the route and to check documents, in them it will be specified that freight of this car is the garbage after recultivation. However even it is clear to the fool that huge trunks of sound pines — it is any not garbage" — tells Bobrova Valentine.

So looks "garbage" after recultivation

of the Log will be taken on sawmills which actually belong to Laptenko Roman, to the son of the deputy of regional council Irbeiskoe district Laptenko Lyubov. The wood is processed in timber. Boards are on sale to China better, and that realize to Russian Federation worse.

of Sawmill Laptenko Lyubov to contain with violation of all standards of fire safety. Sawdust and other waste of productions are not utilized in any way. Costs to someone from workers unintentionally to drop the lit match or a cigarette stub, there will be a tragedy.

One of sawmills Laptenko Roman

of Any agriculture on the cut-down sites, certainly, is not conducted by

the Crunch of paper schools and cowsheds

Still, according to locals, Antsiferov Igor loves from time to time poudit fish in a flow of various grants and grants which are allocated to Krasnoyarsk Territory for development farms.

Distribution of grants — a prerogative of heads of areas. Here also these means between numerous confidants are distributed. And all anything, be able to work these people. However grants are off not to commit criminal act, and settle pleasantly crackling cash in pockets of dishonest businessmen.

the Key link in this swindle "Dara Malinovka's" agricultural cooperative is considered

. Every year the enterprise receives considerable state support. Only in 2016 into accounts "Gifts of the Robin" more than 54 million rubles on purchase cattle and construction of new cowsheds arrived.

However neither cowsheds, nor for Burenkas Irbey's inhabitants did not wait.

Having visited a place, we saw the gone to pieces cowsheds, without any protection, remained from Soviet period. According to locals, this agricultural enterprise at all does not make dairy products, and delivers. It is very logical to assume that the money allocated with the state was simply stolen. So it or not, will find out now a consequence. It is only one of examples which in this district the set, tells Bobrova Valentine.

Tak look cowsheds worth millions rubles

Not less close attention is paid by the head of the area and to "education" of local kids. In February of last year of the politician Antsiferov Igor in the sphere of educations almost led to the drama.

In the sports hall of high school of the village of Algink the roof failed. The reason — the rotted-through ceiling and roofing beams. It is good that at the time of a collapse in a hall did not pass occupation. Otherwise victims would be not to avoid.

the Problem was found by

some months prior to a collapse. The authorities swore that money in area treasury is enough, and promised all this disgrace properly to repair, and in the short time. But as a result of the promises the irbeysky administration did not execute. On what money — not clearly went.

Instead of repairs officials Irbeiskoe district paste over walls of schools here with such pieces of paper. It is necessary to understand when the wall will start falling

By the way, the similar situation is and with schools in the neighboring Nizhny Ingash district which head is Malyshkin Petr.

" two schools was allocated For repair with the state as a whole 47 million rubles, but schools at all do not look repaired" — the former deputy head of the area Vitaly Makarov, dismissed tells that refused to sign the act of the repair carried out at schools .

At most on what officials Nizhny Ingash district sufficed

, Makarov Vitaly claims — to upholster smart facades of schools with a light siding. End faces and back parts of buildings — it is the rotted-through walls. In addition mouldering roofs and not well-groomed yards which have been filled up with boards with sticking-out nails.

School in Nizhny Ingash district

"And here where these tens of millions rubles, allocated for repair these schools? Yes for such money it was possible new to build up, why was to repair this decay in general? " — Makarov Vitaly is distressed.


the Control system in Irbeiskoe district is built by

in the manner "Cosa nostra". The vast majority of officials is necessary each other relatives. Therefore to look for the truths in local authorities — bad job.

the Scheme of related and business relations in administration and other institutions Irbeiskoe district, made by locals

© periodical e-edition "Ridus"

Inhabitants Irbeiskoe district complained more than once of the gone too far corrupt officials in Krayevoye government. However and there a particular interest to addresses of simple citizens for the time being did not show.

with a mark "to understand and report on

of Complaints" were transported directly on a table to Igor Antsiferov. As a result local workers were declared by the "buzoter" encroaching on foundations of the Russian state.

We opposition — are told by the head of the settlement of Verkhneurinsky village council in Irbeiskoe district and the head of military and sports club Grigoryev Andrey, one of the few officials who dared to throw Antsiferov Igor a call. — Us here simply destroy, block oxygen. As we out of the corruption scheme, even almost do not allocate budget for us, we simply survive all settlement. About safety in general there is no speech also. A half of our settlement costs on the thrown coal mines, we can fail simply soon everything, after all mines can start burning, and the local Ministry of Emergency Situations to spit.
"But the I will not throw

. It is our earth, and we will fight for it" — Grigoryev Andrey concluded.

Destiny of "buzoter"

While Antsiferov Igor in power, irbeysky "oppositionists" outright are afraid for the life, especially after the sad story which has happened to the owner of a local bakery by Kalinichenko Vladimir.

Some time ago on a bakery interruptions in electricity began

. Kalinichenko Vladimir asked in regional council for the help. To it promised to allocate 7 million rubles. However later Kalinichenko Vladimir learned that has to as "corvee" (or kickback, in terminology of thievish officials) to pay from this sum a certain percent to Antsiferov Igor and to his godmother, the chairman of the board of deputies Anokhina Valentine.

Kalinichenko Vladimir (at the left) shows then still operating, and now to the former governor Krasnoyarsk Territory to Viktor Tolokonsky (on the right) the bakery. Behind them on the right there is chapter Irbeiskoe district Antsiferov Igor

Being the person from other era where the concept "corvee" was perceived as a sound from the remote past, Kalinichenko Vladimir preferred to refuse such help, and history of extortion made general public. After that Antsiferov Igor began to persuade the businessman to sell it the enterprise. But Kalinichenko Vladimir on arrangements of "landowner" did not give in. Then he was told: "You do not want in an amicable way, all the same we will take away".

at the beginning of December, 2017 part of deputies and active citizens led by Kalinichenko Vladimir initiated

from a position. However consideration of the matter was for some reason postponed, and on December 14 on a bakery the strong fire flashed.

"A bakery burned down under strange circumstances" — Grigoryev Andrey states.

In January Antsiferov Igor and Anokhina Valentine reported

Kalinichenko Vladimir that he as the fire victim can count on the state help in the size of 12 million rubles. The businessman collected all necessary documents and personally brought them to the Minister of Agriculture Krasnoyarsk Territory to Leonid Nikolaevich Shorokhov. That accepted documents and reported that about further "gestures" Kalinichenko Vladimir will be educated by Antsiferov Igor. When the businessman came to Antsiferov Igor, once again heard the old song about "corvee". Kalinichenko Vladimir decided to refuse the help again.

in the Morning on March 18 the businessman gets to hospital and on the night of the 19th dies. The diagnosis — kidney insufficiency.

thus the special equipment for maintenance of life of the patient in case of refusal kidneys in hospital, unfortunately, are not available, and physicians in principle were obliged to call ambulance aircraft. But none of them for some reason did not make it. Here, probably, it is worth paying attention to one detail: the husband of the godmother Antsiferov Igor, the chairman of regional council of deputies Anokhina Valentine, judging by the scheme of related and business relations of local officials, works in this hospital as the manager of surgical office.

Instead of an epilog

according to Bobrova Valentine, problems Irbeiskoe district started being solved somehow just now when Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss was appointed the acting as the governor. The new head of the region studied complaints citizens on Antsiferov Igor and promised to understand everything. It is known that concerning irbeysky officials check is already conducted.

Antsiferov Igor, approves Bobrova Valentine, wanted was for the period of check to depart to holiday to Germany, but something, probably, prevented it.

Pyotr Aleksandrovich Malyshkin
Last position: Head (Administration of the Nizhny Ingash district)
Viktor Tolokonsky
Last position: Party member ("United Russia")
Alexander Uss
Main activity:Politician
Antsiferov Igor
Bobrova Valentine