Anatoly Chubais: JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSNANO" refused bankruptcies Liotekh plant for developments the enterprises

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Chubais: RUSNANO refused bankruptcy of plant Liotekh for enterprise development

Korporatsiya JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSNANO" refused plans of bankruptcies the Novosibirsk release plant lithium - ion Liotekh accumulators and plans to increase this year production sales to 1 billion rubles, Anatoly Chubais declared to journalists on Wednesday of preboard of UK JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSNANO".

"Liotekh" in 2015 – a serious crisis, nearly zero; in 2016 sales volume – 170 million rubles, last 2017 – 350 million rubles." Liotekh" this year – 1 billion rubles, our task to contact him", - Anatoly Chubais in a lobby of the Siberian transport forum told.

He noted that one of key components to solve this problem is a joint order Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk Region on party of electrobuss with the extended course - 24 cars in 2018.

"If it will occur, and the area unambiguously pro (the city while in reflection), will occur real support not in words, and in practice domestic producer, especially it here, in Novosibirsk. As a whole, the most important that we cancelled assumed bankruptcy "Liotekh", we refuse it and we go on the way developments this plant", - Anatoly Chubais told, having noted that "Liotekh" today only to Russian Federation industrial production plant modern lithium - ion accumulators.

to Russian Federation production plant lithium - ion accumulators for transports and stores of energy with the general investments more than 13 billion rubles was started by

First in Novosibirsk in December, 2011." Liotekh" represented RUSNANO joint venture JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSNANO" and the Chinese Thunder Sky Group. In a year of work the plant met economic difficulties which led to stop of production. Company Thunder Sky left the project while to Russian Federation the market for accumulators released at plant was not created yet.

"Liotekh" in August, 2016 it was declared by bankrupt, however in September in companies declared that at plant (LLC "Liotekh-Innovatsii") is started production new production — lithium - ion accumulators with the improved characteristics, intended for use in such perspective segments of use of stores of the electric power, as health care, power, Household management company and transport.