The ex-mayor Kaliningrad will participate in primaries in State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

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Kaliningrad, on May 17, Russian information agency "FederalPress". Vote will happen in "United Russia" Party.

we Will remind

, Alexander Yaroshuk left from a post of the mayor Kaliningrad on March 21, 2018. He noted that during a post threw off 8,5 kilograms, began to use foul language less. Also the ex-head of administration of the Amber capital prepared himself for refusal of smoking. Alexander Yaroshuk noted earlier that is ready to help council and business to the new head of administration of the Amber capital and even to pray for it.

As the correspondent knew to

"The Nevsky news" from the press service of regional office of "United Russia" Party, the former head of Administration of the urban district "The city of Kaliningrad" Alexander Yaroshuk was going to participate in primaries for the right to become the deputy State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The former head of administration of the Amber capital submitted the application for vote in "United Russia" Party which will determine the candidate for elections for State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation by the one-mandatory district No. 98.

Krom Alexander Yaroshuk submitted applications to

the deputy of city council Sagaydak Aleksey, the president of KPOO "Trezvye pokoleniya" Nesterov Valery, chapter Ozyorsk Wladyslaw Nikonorov and the HR manager of KROO "Native Kaliningrad" Karpova Helena.

All above-mentioned participants of primaries will take part in debate.

of the Photo: archive Russian information agency "FederalPress"

Alexander Yaroshuk
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on economic policy, industry, the innovative development and entrepreneurship (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Wladyslaw Nikonorov
Last position: Head of the municipality (District council of deputies)
Sagaydak Aleksey
Nesterov Valery
Karpova Helena