Red mercury tried to carry out to Altai Territory

@Katun' 24
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the Inhabitant Yekaterinburg tried to take through the Russian border in Altai Territory the preparation "R-53" for the purpose of its resale in Kazakhstan.

In Rubtsovsk transport prosecutor's office explained that the citizen got toxic agent in Moscow, having spent for it 175 thousand rubles. He managed not only to get the preparation combining poisoning properties of mercury and antimony, but also freely to reach with it by plane to Barnaul, and then on a lift tried to take out it to Kazakhstan, "The Altai truth" reports newspaper "Altayskaya pravda" found 5800 grams of the substance forbidden to transportation through border in it.

concerning the man is brought criminal case about a kontrabant to Kakhastan of mercury-containing substance. The accused admitted guilt completely, of deeds repented. Ahead – consideration of the case on a being in Tretiyakovo district district court Altai territory.