To Kurgan Region optimize kindergartens because of shortage of means

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Parents act against, but officials ignore their opinion

In Shelepovo's village Kurgan Region officials Mokrousovo district close kindergarten. Instead of it educational groups for children of preschool age will be placed in premises of local school, the correspondent reports REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" .

Parents of preschool children opposed as

liquidation of kindergarten and moving of groups to school, made an inquiry in education management and received the answer in which they were told that for adoption of the similar decision, the accounting of opinion of inhabitants of the village it is not required. Thus Administration of the Mokrousovo district already dispatched new forms of contracts instead of operating since 2016, and closing of kindergarten will happen in Children's Day — on June 1.

"The order on closing of a kindergarten left on April 3. Then to us there arrived representatives of regional department of educations, suggested to transfer a kindergarten to rural school. But at school it is cold, it is necessary to remake toilet bowls, sinks. Children of 1,5−2 years can not take in new to preschool group, will make of 3−4 years group. Whether it is impossible to keep normal kindergarten in the present building? We want to cut off part of rooms of a kindergarten from heatings not to pay one million a year for heating. In the neighboring village Kurtan — the kindergarten is liquidated, the group is left 3 hours. We a similar situation do not want" — mother of one of pupils of kindergarten from Shelepovo's village reported.

In turn representatives of the public note that closing of kindergarten happens because of shortage of funds for its contents.

"The reply of department of educations Mokrousovskoy administrations surprises with

a little. So in it quite considerable sums are specified a kindergarten heat supply: 923 thousand rubles in 2017 and more than half a million rubles for the first quarter 2018. Thus a little more than 800 thousand rubles are allocated for salary with social security to the employees in 2017. Moreover, officials refer to that the kindergarten is not equipped with sewerage and water supply system with distributing of hot and cold water, and the fire-prevention system is not equipped duplicating, without participation of employees of institution, a signal on the panel of the dispatcher. However all these former years did not prevent to work to kindergarten" with — the representative of Kurgan office reported RVS, Parental All-Russian Resistance to Nyman Eugenie .

we Will remind

that by order of Mokrousovsky regional department of educations reductions of rates of the personnel will concern five kindergartens in Lapushki's villages, Loparevo, Small Mostovskoye, Mikhaylovskoye and Shelepovo. The order has to be executed by June 4. Thus parents, having learned about the similar order are afraid that soon instead of full-fledged kindergartens in villages there are only groups of short-term stay.

thus parents of the village of Loparev demanded a meeting with representatives of regional administration at which officials promised that a kindergarten do not liquidate, and will attach to local school, having released for kids two cool komnaty.