In East Timor passed parliamentary elections

@IA Sin'hua
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Jakarta, 13 May/Xinhua / - On arrived from Dili to data, on Saturday passed the parliamentary elections second in a year, urged to put an end to political crisis which some months proceed in East Timor.

Vote began

at 07:00 local time and came to the end at 15:00. More than 700 thousand people took part in elections of new structure of parliament. Results will be announced soon.

according to analysts, the main tasks of the new government become development economy, creation of bigger number of workplaces and decrease in level of poverty.

At the previous parliamentary elections in East Timor in July of last year the ruling party did not receive the decisive majority of places therefore the political policy and budget developed by the government were not approved by legislators. The president of the country in January, 2018 declared Fransishku Guterrish

Fransishku Guterrish
Last position: President of the Democratic Republic East Timor (President of Democratic Republic East Timor)