Financiers participated in a community work day and Day of landing of the wood

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Today, on May 10, 2018, the deputy governor of area, the chief Department of finance areas Artamonova Valentina, employees Department of finance areas, GKU "Regional Treasury", financial management Sokolsky rayon, in common representatives of Department of a forest complex, employees of Administration of Kadnikov and forestry, Kadnikovsky's pupils CENTER POMOSHCHI DETYAM, OSTAVSHIMSYA BEZ POPECHENIYA RODITELEY No. 4, held a community work day in Kadnikov.


Gathered actively worked at entry into Kadnikov and tidied up the territory from garbage and a last year's grass. In anticipation of the All-Russian day of landing of the wood 30 small fir-trees were planted.

"In recent years began good tradition to participate on the eve of the Victory Day in community work days and All-Russian action of landing of the wood. Landing of young trees is a symbol of revival, good and the world. We want that our cities became cozier, pure and comfortable for accommodation. With it we always actively are helped by our younger generation to which we transfer the best traditions", - marked out Artamonova Valentina.

Chapter Kadnikov Mikhail Korznikov thanked for the help in improvement of the city and told that with the assistance of specialists of Department of finance and Department Forest complex areas in four years in the city are planted 300 trees on six new avenues.

Mikhail Korznikov
Last position: Mayor (Administration of Kadnikov)
Artamonova Valentina
Department of finance areas
Government Agency
Department Forest complex areas
Government Agency
Sokolsky rayon