Gennady Ledyakh. Siberian character

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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Gennady Ledyakh after a concert of the Moscow school of classical dance
of the Photo: Koloskova Svetlana, newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva"
Gennady Ledyakh after a concert of the Moscow school of classical tantsa
Tantsor of the ballet and the ballet master Gennady Ledyakh admits: he did not dream of ballet career. But the foresight concerning it, obviously, had plans.

of Such people, as Gennady Ledyakh, without exaggeration — unit. There is a lot of talents, heroes are, athletes, clear heads, and it — all and at once. The lucky what to look, and the hard worker what it is not enough. The honored artist Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, the prime minister of the Bolshoi theater in the 50-60th years, the ballet master, to whose statements clapped Europe, Gennady Ledyakh celebrated the 90 anniversary in the spring. About the such speak: it made itself(himself).

— I am Siberian. Siberia to me still gives strength — the former soloist Bolshogo speaks about the homeland with aspiration. It seems, still slightly — and will start reciting verses.

Gennady Vasilyevich directs the Moscow school of classical dance, teaches children to choreographic skill. the 91st year goes, and Ledyakh if will start conversation on work — will not stop. Ballet, ballet, ballet.

— Though I dreamed to become a film actor — grins balerun. — From 10 years vanished in recreation centers. In total itself, parents even did not know where I dangle. Itself in circles registered, asked to read verses in hospitals, itself learned to dance a tap dance.

When the lad to Genk asked that he is able to do, that answered: in total! — But I saw myself only at cinema — the ballet master speaks. — Cute on a muzzle was, and health bull. Of sports was fond, Ob on oars crossed there and back. And to the ballet incidentally got.

Ballet art talented Gena Ledyakh considered

as occupation frivolous for the man. And with the friend to tests in the opened Novosibirsk opera and ballet theater where gathered troupe, came from curiosity.

— the Teacher asked, whether I am able to dance — the ballet master remembers. — I also represented a tap dance. The teacher estimated plasticity and suggested to remain in troupe. I agreed, thought, I will dance. And me put to the ballet machine. There was 1945.

Having got to ballet collective, Ledyakh could not recede any more. Such character: only forward, even if difficult also there is no wish. Slowly ballet career went up. The dancer got to the capital, already making success at itself in Siberia. Gave in to pressure of actors of ballet school of the Bolshoi theater. Arrived to Novosibirsk Muscovites everything lined ambitious Ledyakh: to Moscow it is necessary to you, to Moscow.

— I Was declared to

to the capital and was necessary to nobody — Gennady Vasilyevich tells. — It I in Siberia was a star, and here and to call in any way.

From personal archive.
Gennady Ledyakh in the ballet "Laurensiya" performs Frondoso's part. The photo of the middle of the 1950th

But would not be Siberian Ledyakh Siberian Ledyakh if lost courage. Started taking school of the Bolshoi theater storm.

— At me educations dancing were not, any school — the eminent ballet master speaks — the base was necessary. In initial classes I did not pass on age, and in senior — on skills and skill. Especially empty seats were not.

Now the honored artist with a smile remembers

, with what arrogance experienced teachers of ballet school looked at it, young and impudent. And someone and a look did not award: do not approach, and all.

— Others were indignant: where you climb? ! — Gennady Vasilyevich remembers. — Late to study you. But I went from one teacher to another. Sad to tell it, but accident helped.

were called Unexpectedly by one of teachers. Its news shocked. The dancer of the seventh class of ballet school drowned... In group of the great ballet master Messerer Asaf appeared an empty seat.

— it is terrible to

to present that the person that I took place had to die — the 90-year-old actor is distressed.

Study was given to

not easy. It was necessary to catch up with the others and to overtake. Character. At first, yet did not solve a problem with housing, the young actor lived in the school foyer at Big. Will wait while all will leave, and goes to an empty hall, to the machine.

— I saw how great masters twist a fouetté on eight turns, and decided that too so has to — continues the story Gennady Vasilyevich.

Over time the naughty boy who as itself now admits, easily could get to the bad company — the homeless child at live parents became the prime minister of the Bolshoi theater. To the dancer Gennady Ledyakh applauded in 32 countries of the world. In 70th it headed the Warsaw ballet school. Success in Poland it had the tremendous.


— Present — the 90-year-old ballet master — after performances to me laughs, happened, even men of a hand kissed! Horror. I disdain such manifestations. But it is necessary to recognize — the success was the madman.

Children's ballet theater on the basis of Palace of culture ZIL in Moscow Gennady Vasilyevich opened

in 1982, and in ten years — professional choreographic college "School of Classical Dance", that which directs still.


to the 90-year-old ballet master it is not stayed at home. Speaks, on a sofa the TV starts being ill.

— Every morning I begin with contrast shower — Gennady Vasilyevich — gymnastics speaks then. And I lay down on needles — on masseurs special in the evening. One under the head, the second under a waist.

are not conceded by the ballet master of an old age. Character.


In Gennady Ledyakh's repertoire: Philip ("Flame of Paris"), Frondoso ("Laurensiya"), Basil ("Don Quixote"), Václav ("The Bakhchsarai fountain"), Medzhnun ("Leyli and Medzhnun"), Prinze ("Cinderella"), Evgeny ("Bronze Horseman"), Bacchus ("Walpurgis night"), Franz ("Vain precaution"), Colin ("Koppeliya") and other parties. He danced with world famous ballerinas: Lepeshinskaya Olga, Tikhomirova Irina, Golovkina Sophia, Struchkova Raissa, Timofeeva Nina, Kondratyeva Marina, Maksimova Catherina and many others. At the first international competition ballet dancers in Moscow the jury awarded to Ledyakh the special diploma — "The best partner".

Gennady Ledyakh after a concert of the Moscow school of classical dance
of the Photo: Koloskova Svetlana, newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva"