Passersby rescued the 11-year-old boy which washed away in sewerage

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Prokhozhiye rushed to the aid of the 11-year-old boy which washed away in the storm sewerage during a flood in the city of Jiangshan , China. The child was dragged on a ditch by about 150 meters, reports Mirror.

some witnesses of the incident among whom there were also his own parents tried to Help the boy at once. One of passersby told that at first fallen child managed to hold a cement canopy, but then it washed away a current. The boy was dragged on sewerages by about 150 meters, and all this time he shouted and begged him to rescue, transfers Day.Az with reference to to .

Eventually the passerby managed to pull out the child from a ditch. It is noted that as a result of incident it practically did not suffer, having got off with bruises on shoulders.