Frontier guards from Karachay-Cherkess Republic became prize-winners of the Championship on swimming

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Frontier guards from Karachay-Cherkessia became prize-winners of the Championship on swimming

on MAY 7. Karachay-Cherkess Republic. C 23 till April 27, 2018 in Astrakhan the championship of bodies of safety Southern Federal District and North Caucasian Federal District on swimming took place. 17 teams took part in competitions, 19 sets of medals are awarded.

Among athletes for a victory the team PU OF FSB The Russian Federation on Karachay–Cherkess Republic fought also. Within three days athletes competed at two distances - 50 both 100 meters a breast stroke and freestyle. Also participants of competitions fought and in the mixed combined relay 4kh50.

as a result of persistent fight the national team of Border management took the third all-command place and the third place in the mixed combined relay 4kh50. In individual competition two employees of Border management became prize-winners of competitions at a distance of 100 m a breast stroke and a crawl.