The deputy head Federal Agency for Forestry Affairs noted full readiness of all structural divisions Altai Territory, responsible for fire safety

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In administration Talmenka district took place on May 1 meeting of the commission on emergency situations where discussed questions of passing of the fire-dangerous period with emphasis on a situation with landscape fires. Points of uniform dispatching service of areas on duty were connected to meeting through video conference Altai Territory. Need of carrying out joint meeting of a regional staff on suppression of forest fires and the regional commission on emergency situations and fire safety is caused by a fire-dangerous situation in a number of municipalities where the situation starts getting out of hand.

Altai Territory Popryadukhin Vladimir, the deputy head Federal Agency for Forestry Affairs Shishov Vladimir, the deputy minister, the head of department the woods of Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources Altai Territory Chernykh Vladimir , the head of Federal Veterinary And Phytosanitary Monitoring Service Ovsyannikov Aleksey, the deputy head of department - the head of department of the state fire supervision and scheduled maintenance of Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasterson in Altai Territory Ilyasov Konstantin the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, chapter Talmenka district Samsonenko Sergei , director general the Altai-Forest enterprises, the deputy of Altai regional Legislative Assembly Bushkov Nicholas , and also representatives of services on an emergency, fire safety and nature protection activity, heads of agricultural enterprises Talmenka district, local governments (according to the list). The chief of Head department took part in work of a videoconference Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasterson in Altai Territory Igor Nikolaevich Lisin .

the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Altai Territory noted that despite system work of departments on suppression of a fire way of cleaning of the farmland of action of agricultural producers during spring and field works annually provoke a large number of fires. "During road actions of aviasupervision tape pine forests and territories of municipalities adjoining to them were surveyed. The centers of natural fires in the territory Klyuchi district and Kalmanka district, and also in the suburbs Barnaul" were established, - Popryadukhin Vladimir emphasized.

In this regard questions of the deputy head Federal Agency for Forestry Affairs to heads of municipalities about the reasons of non-compliance with a ban on the agricultural burnings, established at federal level, about establishment of owners of lands on whom the facts of a burning out of dry vegetation, and about planned measures for prevention of similar situations are recorded persistently sounded. Comments followed from chapters Kalmanka district and Kamensky rayon where in recent days there was the greatest number of the fires connected with agricultural burnings. The fullest information on the current situation and the taken measures submitted chapter Klyuchi district.

Statistical data on Altai Territory the deputy head of department - the head of department of the state fire supervision and scheduled maintenance of Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasterson in Altai Territory gave Ilyasov Konstantin . "For May 1 of the current year in the region 237 ignitions are recorded, for the similar period of last year there were 632 ignitions. That is by 2,7 times there was a decrease by quantity of thermopoints that, undoubtedly, speaks about positive result of scheduled maintenance. The main quantity of thermal points are controlled annealings of dry vegetation which are allowed before introduction of a particular fire-prevention treatment. However not all representatives of local governments, agricultural producers understand importance of observance of requirements of fire safety and not always estimate the scale of risk of the actions on grass burning. In each case inspections will be carried out, perpetrators will be brought to administrative responsibility", - he reported.

as the Example of observance of requirements of fire safety Talmenka district can serve

. "Today the situation controllable, in the territory of the area is not present forest fires, five ignitions were liquidated. Around 31 fire trucks, in the remote villages of the car are assigned to rural heads, they leave on fires in settlements and on ignitions on lands of agricultural appointment. We determined today points of concentration of emergency and fire-prevention stock by all settlements. There are problems with financing, is not still understaffed, but part of stock already involved during a high water. In the territory of the area now nine points of concentration of fire-prevention stock, they are fully completed, the complete set even exceeds norm", - Samsonenko Sergei told.

Having estimated a situation in Altai Territory, the deputy head Federal Agency for Forestry Affairs Shishov Vladimir noted full readiness of all structural divisions responsible for fire safety, for rapid response to a situation of any complexity . The similar assessment testifies to quality of performed work as MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES OF THE ALTAI TERRITORY, to productivity of interdepartmental interaction and consolidation of forces. At the same time, according to the remark of the minister of Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources, reduction of number of ignitions and the extent of the areas in comparison with 2017 - not a situation should be held an occasion to calm down, on continuous control.