Fell herbs can lead to trouble!

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Fell herbs can lead to trouble!
ADMINISTRATION OFFICE REGIONALNOY BEZOPASNOSTI KOSTROMA REGION pays attention to need of observance of rules of fire safety at garbage utilization on personal plots.

For the unauthorized fell a last year's grass, garbage and cultivation of fires on lands of agricultural appointment penalties from 1000 to 2000 rubles, to legal entities – to 120 thousand rubles are provided.

in case of destruction or damage of someone else's property to the large size because of careless handling of fire, including at cultivation of fires and grass burning, comes criminal liability.

For the last days fire 12 times left on messages on floors of a dry grass, commented to information portal of SMI44 in Head department ministry Russian Federation on affairs Grazhdansky defenses, to emergency situations and natural disaster response on Kostroma region.
remind Inhabitants of the region that it is authorized to burn a dry grass only if the site is located at distance not closer than 50 meters from the next object. Besides, the territory round a site for a burning out of a grass has to be cleared in a radius of 25-30 meters of a dead wood and other combustible materials.

If you noticed ignition, report about it by phones: 01 or 101 (with mobile).