15 illegal migrants drowned at coast Province of Alger

@IA Sin'hua
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Province of Alger, 30 April/Xinhua / - On Sunday at the western coast Province of Alger sank a vessel with illegal migrants, 15 people as a result were lost.

the Algerian news agency reported

with reference to a coast guard that the vessel was wrecked at coast of Oran in 400 km to the West from the country capital. 15 people were lost, 18 more victims were taken to hospital.

the Local TV channel reported that the vessel went from Marroko to Spain. On its board there were illegal migrants from the African countries. Having got to a storm, the vessel sank at coast Province of Alger.

Province of Alger is rather near Italy and Spain therefore became transit point for illegal migrants. The Minister of Internal Affairs of the country Nureddin Bedui at the beginning of April declared that frontier guards in the south Province of Alger prevent every day about 500 attempts of illegal crossing of border.