Albania the gold award "Friend of Azerbaijan" is handed over to the president

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to the President Albania is handed over to
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on April 25 in the capital Albania Tirana to President of Republic Albania to Ilir Meta the gold award "Friend of Azerbaijan" founded by the international magazine "My Azerbaijan" was handed over to


the Award to Ilir Meta in the residence of the president were handed over by the editor-in-chief of the international magazine "My Azerbaijan" Nasirli Emile. The head of state Albania which is awarded for mutual fruitful activity in development friendly communications between Azerbaidjan and Albania, and also in scientific, cultural, economic and political areas, thanked editorial council and staff of the international magazine "My Azerbaijan" that awarded it this award. The president Ilir Meta emphasized that and Albania projects serve as in common carried out Azerbaidjan

Having expressed satisfaction to that work on TAR realization to Albania goes according to the schedule, the head of state, told that attaches great value to this project, noted that Azerbaidjan makes an important contribution to international cooperation. Having expressed gratitude beyond the carried-out Azerbaidjan work on strengthening of the bilateral relations and cooperation, the President Ilir Meta emphasized importance of strengthening of partnership and the maximum use of this potential from this point of view.

Having noted successful development the relations between Azerbaidjan and Albania, the editor-in-chief Nasirli Emile emphasized existence of good political connections between our countries. He told that this action is important from the point of view of developments cooperation between both countries. Having concerned developments bilateral ties, Nasirli Emile noted that cooperation in the power sphere is one of the priority directions of these communications. The editor-in-chief noted that communications in the power sphere create good opportunities for cooperation in other directions, including, in investment area , trades, transports. Having emphasized value of joint implementation of such important project as "The southern gas corridor", the editor-in-chief hoped that constantly supporting each other in the international organizations Azerbaidjan and Albania will continue cooperation within these institutes.


Having emphasized the importance of mutual support in bilateral ties, Nasirli Emile, noted that Albania is friendly for Azerbaidjan the country, with satisfaction told, as to Albania to our country the same relation. He told that during a meeting of the President Albania Ilir Meta in the VI Global Baku forum which has taken place in March of this year in the capital Azerbaidjan, became the witness of the attention paid by the President to Azerbaidjan, and also the assessment given by it to value of mutual support of bilateral ties.

"Looking at your substantial and nice course of life and public work, we highly appreciate you as the noble personality, we appreciate your kind attitude towards people, ability to communicate, high culture, adherence to principles, feeling of high belief in the future and attentiveness. The staff of magazine is very glad that you are awarded the order gold "Friend of Azerbaijan", highly appreciates your activities for strengthening of the Azerbaijani-Albanian friendship", - Nasirli Emile noted.