Japanese investments will put on the Platform

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the Joint Platform of Japan Bank for Int Cooperation, FRDV and API started consideration of the first demands of Japanese investors

In Vladivostok presented the Russian-Japanese investment Platform for support of the projects realized within Free port Vladivostok (SPV) and territories of advancing developments (TORAHS).

Founders of the Platform international cooperation (Japan Bank for Int Cooperation), from the Russian side - Development fund Far East (FRDV) with and Agency Far East on attraction of investments and support of export (API) acted Japanese bank. On a plan of the founders, the new Russian-Japanese institute of development will promote establishment of contacts, will make better exchange of information. In essence, the Platform has to act in a role of "a uniform window" for Japanese investors, providing their interaction with the Russian operators of the projects, controlling structures, financial institutions.

by words director generals an investment Platform Starichkov Aleksey HAChAYa, Japan shows firm intentions to make active economic partnership with Russian Federation. In turn in Far East favorable tax modes and preferences within TORAHS and SPV which can be interesting to the Japanese investor are offered. "All this creates prerequisites for intensive developments the Russian-Japanese cooperation having high potential", - the head of the Russian-Japanese investment Platform noted.

of the Representative of the Japanese delegation, taken part in action – besides the most Japan Bank for Int Cooperation it is Mitsui %26 CO, Pegas-HC, Marubeni Corporation, Hokkaido Bank, Sumitomo Corporation, MOL Ship Management, Interactive Corporation and other companies, - also hoped that the Platform will help many Japanese businessmen to pass from intentions to specific projects. They were supported by the deputy consul general Japan in Vladivostok Kiyemi MIYAGAVA.

according to the executive director of department of oil and gas of Japan Bank for Int Cooperation Yamada MASAAKI, already received the first demands from investors, the projects interested in realization in woodworking and fish processing branches, construction. As the deputy director generals Development fund Far East Shelakhaev Petr specified, all eight pilot projects are studied.

the Department director international cooperation Administration of the Primorsky Territory Starichkov Aleksey appealed to already working in Primorsky Territory to projects with participation of the Japanese capital. According to him, in Vladivostok in some days the rehabilitation center constructed together with Japanese clinic of Hokuto (Prefecture of Hokkaido) and the investment company "Jay Dzhi Sy Corporation" will open. In the territory of the region Sumitomo's corporation constructed the modern woodworking enterprises. The corporation is interested in implementation of investment projects in the territory Far East "Iida Group".

of the Mayor Vladivostok Verkienko Vitaly, having considerable experience with Japanese business, expressed readiness in every possible way to help the next neighbors and friends with implementation of projects in the city territory. "It is symbolical that the Platform is created in 2018 which is declared year Russian Federation to Japan and Japan to Russian Federation", - the head of the regional capital


Rogov Youri.

Far East Capital Magazine