The municipal program" Development tourism in Nizhny Novgorod" is executed for 44,4% following the results of 2017

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of the Photo: NIA "Nizhny Novgorod" independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod"

- Serebryakova Julia

the Municipal program" Development tourism in Nizhny Novgorod" is executed by NIA "Nizhny Novgorod"

independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod" City administration is on hand independant information agency "Nizhny Novgorod". This question will be considered at Municipal duma meeting in May, 2018.

According to information, in 2017 realized 22 municipal programs. In total it was sent to 30,6 billion rubles, including from city budgets – 12,1 billion rubles, from regional budgets – 15 billion rubles, from federal budgets - 2,8 billion rubles, from non-budgetary sources - 692,6 million rubles (means of resursosnabzhayushchy and other organizations).

according to the report, less than for 45% executed the program" Development tourism in the territory of Nizhny Novgorod" (29,7 million rubles). In particular, the actions connected with training of volunteers – in connection with postponement of this work for the first quarter 2018 are not executed. Because of a lack of financings actions within developments event tourism (festivals, including international), actions for creation of a city excursion network of cycle hire, and also the actions devoted by to the 150 anniversary since the birth of A.M. Gorky of in 2018, including, on promoting, scientific research, the edition of a creative heritage of Gorky, action for preservation, restoration and repair memorable places, museum objects, monuments are not executed in full. Average extent of implementation of the program made 44,4%. In 2017 the total of tourists made 533 780 people, the volume of paid tourist services made 1 billion 126 million rubles.


In the report it is also specified that for 50-70% actions for two municipal programs are executed:" Administration office municipal property and land resources cities" (COMMITTEE OF PROPERTY RELATIONS OF SAINT PETERSBURG and land resources) and" Development municipal personnel policy" (organizational staffing department). For 71-95% actions for 13 municipal programs are executed. Rather high (more than 95%) realization level according to six programs:" Development physical culture and sport ", " address support of separate categories of citizens ", " providing a public order, crime and drug addiction counteraction ", " Development information societies ", " Development international and foreign economic activity "and" management of municipal finance".

According to the program" Development transports" in 2017 were bought by

50 buses working at the diesel engine , 100 buses of a big class , 50 buses of middle class equipped with elevators for disabled people, and 23 cars of the subway. Annual leasing payments on delivery 31 tram, 30 subway , 174 buses were carried out; works on construction by the Arrow subway were conducted; paid parkings on the square of Gorky (41 places), on Varvarskaya St. and Kovalikhinskaya St. crossing (53 places) and other actions are put into operation . Average extent of implementation of the program made 91,67%.

According to the program" Development educations" execution made 91,94%. In particular, construction of two kindergartens in by Housing cooperative "Zenit" and in the residential district Burnakovsky was conducted; in 167 municipal educational institutions 124 thousand people were trained; annex construction to to school No. 168 , schools in the residential district "Flowers was conducted; more than 4 thousand children spent vacation at country camps according to permits.


"Providing Citizens with Affordable and Comfortable Housing" Program according to department it is executed for 94,31%. In particular, monetary compensation is paid to 191 owners of emergency houses, last year was handed over six unfinished constructions , for provision of housing for orphan children the cities of 29 ready apartments are bought and included in about housing stock, social payments on acquisition (construction) of housing are provided to eight young families. Average extent of implementation of the program made 79,55%.

According to the program" Development physical culture and sport" for 2017 was held by

641 sporting events, the training platform in MBU TO territory "Children's and youth sports school "Meshchora" is constructed (Karl Marx St.), predesign studies on FOKA construction in the stadium "Water-transport worker" in Nizhegorodsky District and a track and field athletics arena of MBU TO KSDYUSSHOR NO. 1 in Autozavodsky rayon are executed, put into operation FOK "Prioksky" .

the Greatest financing within programs in 2017 were received by the following directions: development educations – 14,4 billion rubles, improvement of transport and road infrastructure – 8,2 billion rubles, development cultures – 1,9 billion rubles, development physical culture and sports – 1,4 billion rubles and Household management company – 1,2 billion rubles. Following the results of the report offers for performers of programs are developed. In particular, it is offered to carry out planning of actions taking into account an economic justification, actively to interact with Government oblasti for the purpose of attraction of financial resources.