In Belorechensk district build the enterprise for sparkling water pouring

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The volume of investments in the project made 130 million rubles

Of personal arkhiva

    Predpriyatiye on pouring of drinking and sweet sparkling water build in Belorechensk district.

    during holding the Russian investment forum of "Sochi-2017" between Ministry Selskoye economy and processing industry Krasnodar territory, Administration of municipal entity Belorechensk district and LLC "BELORECHENSKIYE RODNIKI" is signed the agreement of intent to realize the investment project "Production and pouring of sweet sparkling water" in the territory of the Rodnikovsky rural settlement Belorechensk district.

    Within the project hi-tech production on pouring of drinking and sweet sparkling water is planned to construct

    the Volume of investments makes 130,0 million rubles.

    of Advantage of the center:

    - possibility of release of competitive production, on quality not conceding to analogs, due to technological support of capacities by the best equipment from leading global and domestic producers;

    - high technological parameters of planned industrial complex and absence of analogs in territorial proximity that allows to increase efficiency of activity;

    - a convenient logistic outcome (borders on railway transport and highway federal purpose of Maikop-Ust-Labinsk-Korenovsk);

    - 22 workplaces for inhabitants of the settlement.

    building of object which part is At the moment comes to the end with

    : production shop, finished goods warehouse building, administrative and household case.

    At the following stage should mount the equipment.

    Investment the <6> Production and pouring of sweet sparkling water project it is planned to finish in December, 2019.