Pashinyan Nikol missed serious threat - capital outflow from Armenia began

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Obeshchaniya the leader of opposition Pashinyan Nikol not to arrange vendetta to oligarchs after the coming to power, probably, were not apprehended by the last with big trust.

As are written by the Graparak newspaper, it was reached by data that from Armenia capital outflow began. Various businessmen, the persons having investment programs, these days or froze financing investment projects, or quickly restructure to sell property and business and to take out the capital from the country.

They are afraid that this unstable situation can long proceed and the new authorities can expropriate, deprive of property and dispossess them, or it is simple to prevent implementation of their programs.

"For example, on ours of data, the president of Company "Avilon" who got 75% of the Artfud plant, living in Russian Federation Avagumyan Kamo was going to invest in Armenia 100 million dollars and in this direction negotiations were conducted. However, as soon as revolution began, he called the representatives and suspended negotiations", - the newspaper writes.

A Armenia were left yesterday by the Russian billionaire Samvel Karapetyan, arrived to Yerevan several days earlier for clarification of a situation and negotiations with opposition which, probably, really does not understand that without investments not to stretch Armenia left the dissatisfied. The billionaire met Pashinyan Nikol and that refused to it a sharp form. Because Pashinyan Nikol itself aimed at a place of the prime minister and nobody else on this post does not suit it even if in exchange for Armenia gratuitous millions will fall down.

Even before mass media were reported about departure to United States of America by Saroyan Seyran, the accomplice Serzh Sargsyan and the shadow businessman with general shoulder straps. it, it seems, went to see the newborn grandson but very few people expect to see it to Armenia soon.

Tried to inform reality to the leader of opposition and the acting prime minister Karen Karapetyan, having specified that on a table a number of investment programs lay, however now investors postpone the plans as want to understand that as a result will occur. It was regarded by Pashinyan Nikol and his supporters as blackmail. Though, Karen Karapetyan, told them really is very serious. And it will have an effect soon.

Ibragimov Zulfugar