Fire safety and civil defense

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On April 24 experts the Budennovsky complex CENTER OF SOCIAL SERVICES the population participated in a seminar on the subject "Fire Safety and Civil Defence-2018" which took place in Administration of the municipal district Budennovsk of the Stavropol Territory. during a seminar the head of department of supervising activity and scheduled maintenance of head department Head department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters in Stavropol Territory Moskvitin S. S. told br about legislation changes in the field of fire safety and civil defense during 2017-2018, hot topics of day in the light of the latest events across Stavropol Territory and the country as a whole. Paid much attention to actions for the prevention and elimination of fires, safe evacuation of people and material values in case of fires. And the main thing how competently to be prepared for inevitable checks of the fire inspector to avoid penalties.