Yevgeny Kuyvashev told about plans for cooperation with Province of Alger

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Evgeny Kuyvashev in Algeria

Province of Alger is the important trade partner Sverdlovsk Region. Photo: Yevgeny Kuyvashev

the Governor Sverdlovsk Region Yevgeny Kuyvashev told website "Instagram". The preliminary report on a business trip to the partner country the head of the region laid out in the website "Instagram" .

In particular, at present already there took place meetings with the prime minister Province of Alger Uyakhya Ahmed, the minister trades Said Dzhellyab, bring down (prefect) of Province of Alger Abelkader Zukh and the president of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mohamed Laid Benamor.

"To all of them told about Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk Region, about our opportunities and cooperation pluses", - Yevgeny Kuyvashev wrote. Let's remind, Province of Alger is the important trade partner Sverdlovsk Region, first of all on the defensive line.


, JSC "Factory EMA", the Ural glass plant. Reconstruction of historical buildings to Province of Annaba took place in the city with participation the Sverdlovsk construction companies "NPA-Profil". Now a problem of Central Ural Mountains - to adjust to the African country export of own pharmaceutical preparations, locomotives, production of machine-building and chemical branch. Also can be useful and an exchange of shots - according to the governor, graduates FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "UGGU" can make a lot of things for developments the Algerian mining industry.

"Our task — to develop partnership at the expense of civil production, and also joint projects in which our region could participate the intellectual and personnel potential", - were summed up by Yevgeny Kuyvashev.

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