Without pressure and threats: court listens to witnesses in the matter of Vyacheslav Gayzer

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Online translation of information agency "REGNUM"

on April 20 in Zamoskvoretsky district court of Moscow there takes place the next meeting in the matter of the ex-head Komi Republic Vyacheslav Gayzer and groups of the regional officials who have organized, according to the investigation, operating in Moscow and Komi Republic OCC (the organized criminal community). Among defendants of defendants, besides the most Vyacheslav Gayzer, the deputy Vyacheslav Gayzer Chernov Aleksey , the chairman State Council Komi Republic Kovzel Igor , the member Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Torlopov Vladimir , the head of regional Fund of support of investment projects Kudinov Igor , the ex-head Syktyvkar sawing and wood processing combine Veselov Valery and others. The head of OPS, the consequence considers the former deputy chairman of board JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP OF COMPANIES "RENOVA" by Zarubin Alexander . Now it disappears abroad — allegedly, to United Kingdom.

information agency "REGNUM" conducts translation from a court hall .

Two key episodes of activity of OPS contact conclusion of means from "Zelenetskaya's Poultry farm" by means of transfer of 95% of its stocks LLC "Metlizing" and transactions "Fund of support of investment projects" on which members of the organization could appropriate 67 million rubles. The consequence considers that thanks to the translation of a number of the enterprises Komi Republic in "Fund of support of investment projects" there was a loss controls the states over the corresponding assets in favor of individuals — participants of OPS.

in court already heard Now indications of a number of key witnesses. The former senator from Komi Republic Samoylov Eugenie , Zarubin Alexander 55% of SLVK and some other major city-forming enterprises of the republic, told earlier about how was exposed to serious pressure from the region management. According to him, officials demanded to report or 25% of a share from businesses in favor of LLC "РК" (structures of estimated OPS), or more than 50% — in case OPS any of members also participate in enterprise activity.

Other treatment of events gave "treasurer" of OPS Romadanov Konstantin and "financier" of OPS Moskvin Demian . The first told that Samoylov Eugenie brought a set of the enterprises to bankruptcies, got into debts and conceived a liking for alcohol. The second submitted to court documents with fragments of the reporting of activity of OPS and, in particular, on maintaining "informal budgets".

Still none of the interrogated did not declare

pressure or threats from defendants, thus a number of officials told that Fund activity a little than differed from work of similar structures in other regions, and the organization in fact served as means of distribution of investments and crisis management.

In the management of the poultry farm "Zelenetskoy" there was an opposition to the decision on enterprise privatization, however, as witnesses from among directors specified, privatization as a whole did not affect the enterprise, and after reorganization it continued to work steadily, moreover, on poultry farm successful investments how, according to the investigators, transactions with criminal intention took place were carried out.

In particular, the former deputy head of the ministry of the industry and investments Komi Republic Maltsev Konstantin specified that after the Zelenetsky pig-breeding complex as a part of poultry farm got on balance of Fund, it increased the profitability.

also interrogated Earlier two lawyers from Fund of support of investment projects. They such did not tell anything, it is simple about document flow and other. They also specified that pressure upon them during work was not put, and all transactions were made on the lawful bases — though purchase of some assets by Fund caused in them big questions. As well as other minor witnesses, they knew about influence Zarubin Alexander on the leaders of the republic only from hearings and materials mass media.

on the other hand, during trials it became clear that 80 — 90% "informal budgets" were spent for election campaigns in the region, and also gifts and bonuses to a number of persons on senior positions in republic authorities.


, the ex-head of "Metlizinga", she also did not know.


of "Nevist" and some other companies were clients banks. It is familiar to the witness and "Metleasing". "As well as with other companies, Moskvin Demian called me and told that they are ready to put money on the deposit" — she specified. However about the management of the organization anything could not tell Rybakova Antonina.


Today in court the new witness — Rybakova Antonina. In 2008 it was appointed to a position in "Metkombank", since then was engaged in maintenance of deposits, issue of own bills banks.


we Will note

that on April 19 to Komi Republic Ukhta Leonov Igor — till June 16 also detained the ex-mayor. Him accuse of commission from September to December, 2010 Leonov Igor at a position of the head of the Sosnogorsky area "deliberate actions on alienation of municipal property", including municipal non-residential premises, and also the stocks "Spetsavtodora" at the underestimated cost on 23 million 523 thousand rubles.


Meeting began



Meanwhile, in a hall practically all gathered, defendants on a place. Meeting traditionally is late on hour.

we Will remind

that is in parallel considered in Zamoskvoretsky district court of Moscow case of the ex-chairman of Electoral commission Komi Republic Shabarshina Helena which is directly connected and with business Vyacheslav Gayzer is considered also: so, earlier during a court session the list of recipients of money from "informal budgets" teams Vyacheslav Gayzer was announced. The witness Romadanov Konstantin, giving already earlier evidences in Vyacheslav Gayzer, confirmed that was engaged in filling of tables. According to him, money were paid according to instructions of the ex-deputy of chapter Komi Republic Chernov Aleksey. Were in the top three Torlopov Vladimir, Chernov Aleksey and Vyacheslav Gayzer — one and a half corresponded to them and one million rubles monthly respectively. Other members of the list periodically changed, and the sums intended for them much smaller — to 150 thousand rubley.