Habezskaya interregional prosecutor's office Karachay-Cherkess Republic demands to eliminate violations of the law in sports educational institutions

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Habezsky interdistrict prosecutor's office carried out an inspection of performance of the legislation on health protection and safety minors in children's and youth sports schools.

Check showed that contrary to requirements of the Federal law "About fire safety" over entrance doors in MKUDO Mkudo "Children and youth sports school a. Khabez" is exploited an electrical wiring with isolation violations. Children and youth sports school "Yunost" of M. Z. Chukov are not completed in full with primary fire extinguishing means of MKUDO "and. Inzhich-Chukun" and the branch of this educational institution located in and. Psyzh.

of the Room of gyms are not equipped with the household thermometers necessary for providing controls of a temperature mode.

in defiance of sanitary and epidemiologic rules for the being trained did not organize a drinking mode with use of the water packaged in capacity.

On the specified bases interdistrict prosecutor's office to directors of two educational institutions brought 2 representations which are under consideration.