Administration of the city district Karachayevsk carries out public discussions by poll method for justification of volumes (limits) of withdrawal from habitat of wild hoofed animals, a bear

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Dear inhabitants of the Karachay city district!

the Administration of the Karachay city district carries out public discussions by poll method for justification of volumes (limits) of withdrawal from habitat of wild hoofed animals, a bear, a fur animal and a waterfowl to a season of hunting of 2018-2019 in the territory of the district. The customer of the state environmental assessment is Administration office Karachay-Cherkess Republic po okhrane i ispolzovaniyu obektov zhivotnogo mira i vodnykh biologicheskikh resursov.


of the Remark and the offer are accepted by phone 2-24-66 or in writing to the address: Chkalov St., 1A, Department of Environmental Protection and Environmental Management.