Travel with a ball

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Within a cultural component starting in Stavropol sports contests of preinduction youth according to the program of all-physical preparation among pupils of educational institutions of the Northwest zone Promyshlenny rayon the chief of cadet school of a name of the general Yermolov A. - the Stavropol regional organization Association "Dinamo" held unusual competition.

What there, in a helmet?
That there, in a helmet?

While athletes of two age categories competed in firing, incomplete dismantling and machine gun assembly, pulling up on a crossbeam and other disciplines, the cadets-ermolovtsy who have not got to the main structure of national teams, showed the knowledge in sports etiquette! The necessity for it is caused by the future FIFA World Cup.

there Will pass not enough time and the remarkable holiday will come to our country – the FIFA World Cup. Statistically, more than billion fans will concentrate at screens of TVs, hundreds thousands will come to stadiums to look at game of the best football players of a planet. whether

But all are ready to this event? The commission headed by the first deputy chairman of CPO association "Dinamo" Korshunov Andrey and the director of cadet school, the deputy of a thought of Stavropol Khitrov Aleksey , not only accepted offsets at future fans, but also carried out master classes with digression to history of rules on a football field, and also the rights and duties of sports fans.

the commander of office of the 6th Cossack class, the sports organizer of the first educational Cossack one hundred school mandative Kazantseva Victoria Best of all.

the Sweet incentive prize with football "Zabivaki's" logo for knowledge of "the code of the fan" was won by the most young participant competitions – the cadet of the 6th general class Medzhitov Emile.

Yermolov A.
Korshunov Andrey
Khitrov Aleksey
Kazantseva Victoria
Medzhitov Emile