The constitutional Court in Saint Petersburg finally resolved an issue with draft deferments

@Pervyj kanal
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How many on a way to knowledge can be draft deferments, the Constitutional court discussed nearly a month. In the federal law it is written, apparently, clearly: if chose higher education institution, then — the magistracy, two times army, of course, will wait, and further — year are obliged to serve. But in practice on a parade-ground got earlier.

"I simply wanted to receive

further knowledge in the sphere of information technologies and to develop in this direction" — the student of a magistracy explains Sankt-Peterburgsky gosudarstvenny university, St. Petersburg university or St.Petersburg State University telecommunications of M. A. Bonch-Bruyevich Dolgov Mark.

Four years of higher education institution in native Tomsk, now here a magistracy in Saint Petersburg in which Dolgov Mark managed to be disaccustomed only two months as the agenda came. It appeared, the young man exercised the right of the first draft deferment at school. The certificate to it handed over when in the passport was already 18.

"For example, my schoolmate can continue to study, and I as parents sent me a little later to school, am compelled to fight and defend now the rights" — Dolgov Mark tells.

Regional court Dolgov Mark lost

, waits for the decision city. And it in the country such not one — whether still the student, whether already the recruit. On regions of one hundred claims.

"For the first time this problem appeared in 2014 because just Russian Federation passed to the Bologna system of educations and, respectively, the first years of end of a bachelor degree passed for 2014. In fact, schoolmates who were admitted in one year of life to school, they will or have the right for education in a magistracy, or not to have depending on when at them it is necessary birthday, for example, in June or in September" — the lawyer Peredruk Alexander explains.

on an age sign in some regions courts did not see Discrimination

, from a bachelor degree of students straight sent to army. Today the Constitutional court explained: thirst for knowledge, of course, does not cancel a compulsory military service, but all have to have a right at first to be disaccustomed in a higher educational institution.

"The federal legislator in pursuance of our resolution should not consider granting the first delay when receiving the average general of educations, thus the delay for training according to the magistracy program as though is not considered in this case a delay" — the judge of Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Rudkin Youri notes.

without waiting for changes in the legislation, the resolution of the Constitutional vessels in regions now are obliged to consider. And Dolgov Mark most likely will receive the delay. However, as the young man assures, he does not refuse to serve at all. To army will go right after training.

the right for continuous training just now in district courts Saint Petersburg try to prove

and those who after the 11th class is going to study in college or technical school. And here similar story: if from school graduated in 18 — at first army, education then. How to be with this category of recruits, the Constitutional court will explain next month.