In China the youth in large quantities buys up graves

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In the district Tongcheng to Province of Hubei (China) 80 thousand graves belong to live people. The youth in large quantities buys up places on a cemetery to avoid problems with a funeral.

Statistical data testify to a deplorable situation in China and loan and purchase of places on a cemetery for a funeral. It is known that to Province of Hubei already 80 thousand graves belong to the live people which age at all did not reach 10 years. The message on a situation within the country disturbed neighboring countries which border on the country.

Earlier we reported that in China to elderly people offer a grant due to refusal of a funeral in the earth in favor of "ecofuneral" . The amount of payments correlated with age: 70-80 years of-100 yuans, 80-90 years – 200, 90-100 - 300.<"14>"