In China live people in large quantities buy up places for graves

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B one of the Chinese regions young locals started mass buying up of graves. Representatives of the South China Morning edition shared information on it.

In China live people in large quantities buy up places for graves

At present as report the authorities of the Chinese district Tongcheng that to Province of Hubei, more than 80 thousand graves for themselves were redeemed by still live people among whom meet as well children are younger than 10 years. More than 95 percent of this statistics, people from 60 also are more senior, however among them meet as well young people, which 30 and less years. For this reason empty graves in large quantities fill fields of districts, and also roadsides of roads. On many gravestones the name of future owner, and also his date of birth is already written.

the Reason for that became local tradition. By 30 years, as a rule, the person starts equipping to himself a place on a cemetery. Inhabitants of the district treat tradition differently, but on open spaces of social networks the confidence that it is necessary to fight against it, after all the earth it, first of all, a public resource increases. The statement became the answer to it that people have the right for purchase of sites of the same earth with which they can do everything that will want.
Ofitserov Nicholas