The chief Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service on Amur region Zavyalov Oleg congratulated employees of a health service on a professional holiday

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is noted on April 14 by

Day of a health service of criminal and executive system. The history of this holiday traces the roots back in 1829 and is connected with a name of the outstanding doctor humanist Gaaz Fedor Petrovich. In 1829 the founder of penitentiary medicine Gaaz Fedor Petrovich wrote the address to the trustee of prisons prince Golitsyn in which proved need of check of a state of health of the people sitting in prisons.

in honor of significant date in Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service on Amur region the festive event devoted to a professional holiday of medical workers of UIS took place. Employees of Medical and sanitary part No. 28 Federal Penitentiary Service and its branches, veterans of service and guests of honor were invited.

the Chief Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service on Amur region Zavyalov Oleg congratulated all gathered on a holiday, noted importance and indispensability of work of medical workers in imprisonment places, and also handed over certificates of honor and medals to honored employees.

Throughout action the gala concert took place. With musical congratulations acting employees, veterans of UIS, and also the invited actors appeared on stage.

The press service Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service on Amur region
