Met Fertile fire

@Krasnoe znamja
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In day Light Christoff Revivals an icon lamp with Fertile fire from the Holy Land the national actor again brought Russian Federation, the actor of the Belgorod drama theater Starikov Vitaly. The particle of this fire was delivered in Shebekino.

Religious procession began

to the main temple of the city.


temple bells in honor of an icon of the Mother of God "All grieving Pleasure" Joyfully rang out. Decent the Shebekinsky district, the prior of the temple the archpriest Ivanov Petr together with shebekinsky clergy served a festive public prayer in honor of arrival of Fertile fire.

- the Lord gives us so many benefits this light day, gives us great pleasure which is difficult for containing in our hearts, - the prior of the temple told. - And we should share this big pleasure with each other, to increase it. Coming of Fertile Fire - a symbol of easter pleasure, a sign of a celebration of life and its victory over death. Sending fire to the orthodox world, the Lord shows to us the love and good fortune. That we, having belief, lived on God's precepts and managed good deeds.

To the father Ivanov Petr, left with Fertile fire, stretched to light candles all come to the temple. Shebekintsa lit candles and carried away a part of the Sacred flame to the houses that everywhere reigned the world, wellbeing, happiness and all of us received the help in God's life. This day priests brought Fertile fire to all temples, shared it with people for whom it is hard. Priests delivered a particle of easter pleasure in medical and social institutions of the area. They warmly congratulated all on a holiday, wished them health, patience and spirit fortress.

the people to a shrine in day of Christoff of Revival went the Never-ending stream and continue to go still. In all temples and in many houses of inhabitants of the shebekinsky earth sacred Fertile fire began to shine, warming our souls, strengthening belief and granting hope for God's favor.

Vitaly Alekseevich Starikov
Last position: Actor (Ogauk "Bgadt named after M. S. Shchepkina")
Ivanov Petr