Hungary slips on a roadside of EU

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Victor Orban and his party of eurosceptics of FIDES the third time in a row won a sure victory at parliamentary elections.

the Hungarian ruling mode the opposition accuses of construction of "the mafia state". © the Photo from a site of Site of President of the Russian Federation

the Russian politicians do not hide the pleasure — one of their main allies in EU not only kept, but also strengthened the power. At very high appearance (according to official figures), nearly 70% of the Hungarian voters supported a ruling mode Victor Orban.

its FIDES party went on elections under the slogans far from political and economic reality Hungary. George Soros and European Commissions which allegedly dream to occupy the Hungarian lands natives from Near East and from North Africa were the main ideas fight against migrants, and also the patron.

Taking into account that Victor Orban, on the Russian sample, refused debate with the opposition, actual economic and social problems during election campaign by ruling party were discussed very poorly. However voters with pleasure voted for in many respects virtual agenda. It seems that inhabitants of the countries Central Europe and Eastern Europe are now anxious with migrants who in these states practically are not present, it is much more, than the present welfare.

Should notice

that the government to Hungary will be coalition. Together with allies from Christian Democrat people's party at FIDES 133 mandates from available 199 in the State meeting turn out. Exactly as much, that is they had the constitutional majority in the previous convocation.

the Main oppositional force still have nationalist Jobbik, one of which leaders the eurodeputy Kovach Bela was accused in December, 2017 of espionage in favor of Russian Federation. This party received 26 mandates instead of 23 which it had in parliament of last convocation. During last campaign, Jobbik tried to appear the centrist party leaving from the extremely right flank, but in comparison with FIDES it is even more nationalist, antimigrantsky force, ready to consider even a question of an exit Hungary from EU. However, as this party will behave further while is not clear — her leader Gábor Vona recognized the strategy unsuccessful and resigned .

B resignation also the presidium operating the Hungarian Socialist party in full strength leaves. At the beginning of the 2000th years she as equals fought against FIDES for the power, but now took only the third place (less than 20 mandates). However, it is the best result among conditionally Liberal parties. At the Democratic coalition less than ten mandates, and liberals from the association LMP ("The policy can be another") did not receive also that. Their leader Hadkhazi Akosh also, by the way, resigned .

Actually these elections allow to say

there was a polutorapartiyny system. FIDES and its leader Victor Orban skillfully use all advantages of stay in power, including possibility of administrative pressure upon voters and unequal access to mass media. As a result, they hold the power already the third elections in a row, and the real competition goes only for the second place — between socialists and far right.

the Opposition calls

developed system "mafia state" in which all levers of the power and the most part businesses are put under control Victor Orban and businessmen close to it, and management of the country is performed bypassing formal state institutes.

No wonder that the Hungarian authorities perfectly find a common language with the Russian colleagues, even in spite of the fact that Hungary at all does not position itself as the faithful ally of the Kremlin and, for example, within the European action of solidarity with United Kingdom, sent one Russian diplomat.



B Moscow Victor Orban are glad to the next victory and practically do not hide the real reasons for which it is nice to the Russian politicians. In their eyes the Hungarian prime minister — it, first of all, the enemy EU and the European unity. "The more will be in Europe the countries, capable to pursue independent and self-sufficient policy, the it will be easier to solve a problem of construction really united Europe, including Russian Federation, instead of Europe "for the and for strangers" as two closed blocks operating on the continent — NATO and EU" try to do it now — the head of committee of the international affairs Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev quite unambiguously spoke, making comments on results of the Hungarian elections.

As for EU, there, of course, Victor Orban are dissatisfied with populist policy, but as a whole already learned to work with it and got used to suffer it. Hopes for that he will lose these elections, was a little, even taking into account that the opposition on the eve of vote published information that in the past of premieres itself tried to get a job to George Soros whom now the Hungarian authorities accuse almost of attempts to colonize Hungary.

Victor Orban in the relations with Russian Federation and EU tries to behave as that tender calf that two uterus sucks (depending on a political environment, certainly). And, by the way, it so well manages it that the authorities of an increasing number of the European countries, for example, Austria, Slovakia, Poland and Czech Republic, already seriously try to imitate the constant Hungarian leader.

Ivan Preobrazhensky