"Clever" traffic lights will help to relieve Novosibirsk of stoppers

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Novosibirsk becomes the first city in which will introduce a control system of traffic.

Within the international forum "City technologies-2018" which took place from April 5 to April 6 on a platform "Novosibirsk Expocentre", the mayor Anatoly Lokot signed agreements with three large innovative Russian companies. One them them — JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOFTLINE TRADE", Moscow. Within the signed document the project directed on the solution of problems with stoppers in Novosibirsk will be realized. The size of investments the enterprises will make about 100 million rubles.

As were noted by director general JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOFTLINE TRADE" Belousov Ruslan, Novosibirsk becomes the first city where will introduce the control system developed by them of traffic. For this purpose at problem intersections will install "clever" traffic lights. They will analyze a movement traffic, and in case of jams to switch the traffic light so that to do the street "green". Will test new system on Semyi Street Shamshinykh.

the Second agreement is signed by

with the enterprise from Republic of Tatarstan — LLC "NOVYE OBLACHNYE TEKHNOLOGII". Company delivers full-function office software for workstations and mobile devices. The enterprise will provide free licenses of office package "My Office" for all educational institutions Novosibirsk.

the Third agreement signed with the Moscow company "the Code of Safety" which will provide preferential terms for acquisition of an initial segment of means of protection for further developments information systems in Mayor's office of Novosibirsk.

"We hope that signing of similar contracts will promote improvement of investment climate Novosibirsk. These are new workplaces, economy improvement, development new technologies that also essentially for the city" — the city hall press service transferred words Anatoly Lokot.

people took part In a symposium from 15 cities Russian Federation, Belarus and Kazakhstan. 14 sections, plenary session "Clever technologies were organized: from ideas to introductions", competition "The clever city", technological rounds (excursions), exhibition innovative development.

"First of all, us practical application of those practices which are presented at a forum interests. Today we see results of our work. There were the first "Clever stops", the question of intellectual system of regulation is discussed by transport streams. It is very important that higher education institutions, youth participate in a forum, school students — it is very perspective. Clever city — this future, and it behind youth which already now proposes quite concrete solutions of those problems that face the city" — was noted by Anatoly Lokot.

we Will remind

, LLC "YANDEKS" designated top-5 stoppers in Novosibirsk for the first week of April.
