In the Republic will pass the I Interregional competition performers of the Bashkir and Tatar song of memory of Haniya Farkhi

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in Tatyshly district will take place on May 18 the I Interregional competition performers of the Bashkir and Tatar song of memory of Haniya Farkhi.

Competition, devoted to memory of the Russian variety singer, the actress and the composer, the national actress of the Republic Republic of Tatarstan Farkhi Khaniya is called "Onotolor Tim …". Event is held for perpetuating of memory of the singer Farkhi Khaniya; developments and promotion of the Bashkir and Tatar musical song creativity.

For participation in competition need to be directed till May 1, 2018 references to video records and zayavkuna e-mail addresses: This e-mail address is protected from spam boats. At you javascript for viewing has to be included. This e-mail address is protected from spam boats. At you javascript for viewing has to be included. References by phones: 8 (347) 289-65-50, 289-66-96, (8 34778) 2-14-24, 2-15-96.<"12>"

Organizers: Administration Tatyshly district Republic of Bashkortostan with support of the Republican center of national creativity of Republic of Bashkortostan.

Source: "Cultural world Republic of Bashkortostan"