Novocheboksarsk the chairman of Public council of the city became Bobrova Zoe

@Gazeta "Grani"
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In a conference room of City administration Novocheboksarsk took place meeting of Public council of the city. Participants of action chapter of City administration welcomed Novocheboksarsk Olga Cheprasova. She wished all fruitful collaboration for the benefit of developments the city.


the Main subject of meeting became election of the chairman of Public council and its deputy. Let's note, the structure of Public council is created according to the Provision on Public Council of Novocheboksarsk Chuvash Republic, the approved solution NGSD of 30.11.2017 No. C 37-5. The quantitative structure of Public council has to make not less than 9 people. The solution of Novocheboksarsk city Meeting of deputies of January 25, 2018 No. C 40-2 "About the statement of structure of public council of Novocheboksarsk Chuvash Republic" approved structure of Public council of the city. Chuvash Republic Bulygina Irina , Kuzmina Anna , Skvortsova Raissa , Nuzhdina Olga , Kochetov Vasilii Ivanovich, Yefimova Margaret , Bobrova Zoe , Filippova Galina , Rogovoy Sergei the member of Civic chamber.


Following the results of meeting by the chairman of Public council of the city became Bobrova Zoe , her deputy – Rogovoy Sergei Rogovo y, the secretary – Alina Aleksandrovna Filippova Galina .

Olga Cheprasova
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of Novocheboksarsk of the Chuvash Republic)
Bobrova Zoe
Bulygina Irina
Kuzmina Anna
Skvortsova Raissa
City administration
Government Agency