The face of the last emperor of Incas is restored

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was known to Archeologists that the man called Ataualp, and he was born in a family of the Incan governors.
In article 3fa3298d7c
© Berezhnaya Galina

the Group of the Russian anthropologists decided to reconstruct appearance of the man who is considered one of the last representatives of the Empire of Incas.

we Will remind

that the empire of Incas — this largest Indian population existing in the territory South America in the XI—XVI centuries. Incas left behind excellent examples of architecture, art, and also Indians are known for the unusual letter by means of multi-colored threads — to kip.

Remains of Incas already found earlier

, and in 1901 the skull of the man who could be one of the last representatives of the Incan empire got to the Parisian Museum of a skull of the person.

Recently the Russian scientific Vasilyev Sergei became interested in

in this skull to recreate from Institute of ethnology and anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences which solved shape of "the last governor Imperiya of Incas".

knew to Archeologists that the man called Ataualp, and he was born in a family of the Incan governors at the end of the XV century. When the father of the man died, the empire was divided between two brothers — Uaskar and Ataualpoy.

the Fragment of a skull

of the Second such situation did not suit

In spite of the fact that Ataualpa offered

repayment for the people and kept the promise, him all the same killed. Remains of the governor were taken away by inhabitants of Cajamarca, and the skull of Ataualpy was stored in Indian families throughout several centuries, it did not appear yet in the museum.

Recently on the remained skull Vasilyev Sergei and the senior research associate of Laboratory of anthropological reconstruction Veselovskaya Elizabeth recreated shape of Ataualpy.

Having investigated a skull of the man, anthropologists noticed characteristic feature — an acting nasal bone which meets at indigenous people of the Western hemisphere. On reconstruction it is visible that the nose of the man has a hook-shaped form. This detail once again indicated belonging of the man to indigenous people South America.

the skull Structure also showed that the man had small eyes and high cheekbones. According to the remained manuscripts it was known that Ataualpa had good sportswear and a direct bearing. His face was strict, but at the same time gaining, scientists concluded.

Vasilyev Sergei
Veselovskaya Elizabeth
Berezhnaya Galina