Vadim Kstenin: from the Latvian school student to the mayor of Voronezh

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"the Notebook Voronezh" sorted the biography of the new city head.

the new head of Voronezh chose on April 4 Vadim Kstenin. For the first time in the history of the capital of the Chernozem region it was made not by people, and deputies of the Voronezh municipal duma. During ballot Vadim Kstenin supported 25 deputies, his competitor Ruslan Lvovich Kochetov collected five votes. Five more bulletins recognized invalid.

On a site of Administration of the city district Voronezh city the biography of the new head went in in 20 lines without any reality. In fact, residents of Voronezh a little that know about Vadim Kstenin. In this regard, "the Notebook Voronezh" decided to study a way Vadim Kstenin to the management of the capital of the Chernozem region.

According to official data Vadim Kstenin was born

on June 12, 1975 in the settlement Saulkrasti the Riga area Latvian the Soviet Socialist Republic. The following information on the mayor appears 22 years when he graduates from the Voronezh state architectural and construction academy in the specialty "highways and airfields" later.

the Next 10 years Vadim Kstenin works with

in JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VORONEZHNEFTEPRODUKT", holding in the organization various positions, including the leading. During this period of time, future mayor, does not come into the view of mass media.

the career of the official Vadim Kstenin begins

hold a post of the deputy head of management municipal orders. Some months later it holds a position of the head of the budgetary policy and the organization of purchases for municipal needs.

the Outstanding figure in Voronezh Vadim Kstenin becomes in September, 2009 when it appoint the department director zhilishchno – municipal services Administration of the city district Voronezh city and districts. A year later he becomes the head of DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES AND POWER INDUSTRY OF THE VORONEZH REGION. It is interesting that the first serious mentions Vadim Kstenin in the press begin only two years later. In February 2012 governor Alexey Gordeyev charged to it to control the mayor of that time Koliukh Sergei in a question of cleaning of snow.

Together with Vadim Kstenin to these the head of managements of highways and road activity of area Alexander Trubnikov, later got on multimillion bribes was engaged in

in 2018.

In July, 2017, being the head of regional Housing & communal services administration Vadim Kstenin met in Alexey Gordeyev and promised to the governor to carry out overhaul of houses for ridiculous money. Then Group of companies Fund of assistance to reforming of housing and communal services agreed on the <44> Capital repairs apartment houses in 2013 program.

"Will allocate 270,7 million rubles. On these means in 35 municipalities will capitally repair 190 houses", - reported an official portal Regionalnoye government.

Then that on the average for each high-rise building allocated slightly more than 1 million rubles. What "capital" repair will keep within this sum – it was necessary to guess only.

at the end of 2013 the Voronezh security officers and the deputy of City Council Kudryavtseva Galina sent to

to regional government Federal Antimonopoly Service on actions of regional Housing & communal services administration and power engineering specialists under the direction of Vadim Kstenin. The matter is that officials announced competition on the right of participation of various companies in creation JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "YEPSS HOUSING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES ESTABLISHMENT FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION". Then regional Housing & communal services administration and power engineering specialists thought up such conditions that under them only one organization - "Informatsionno-raschetny center" approached. Anti-monopolists checked complaints and came to a conclusion that in spite of the fact that in competition can theoretically take part payment processing center "House-builder", "Stroytest 2P", "Data-processing center-agricultural", IVTs Municipal Unitary Enterprise, really it will be made by only one organization. Its name - "Informatsionno-raschetny center". Regional government of Federal Antimonopoly Service as it was reported on a department site, gave out to the organizer competitions, to Housing & communal services administration and power engineering specialists of area, the instruction about change of competitive documentation. Thus, attempt of officials of Government oblasti was prevented to tighten to competition the organization created by the Voronezh municipal chamber.

B to Vadim Kstenin managed to avoid 2014 serious scandals and registration of the official in Social network Facebook became one of the most noticeable media occasions. The first record was dated on September 29. Future mayor quickly took 27 friends. Among them were - the vice-chairman of Government of Voronezh region Faddeva Helena, the employee of management of regional policy Chervakov Andrey, the employee of information directorate of Administration of the city district Voronezh city Chebotarev Nikita.

B too time Alexey Gordeyev in interview to newspaper "Kommersant" commented on presence of officials in Social network Facebook.

is a pure populism when any chiefs constantly on Social network Facebook write. As Chukchi from a joke, which not readers, and writers. If you the big head, at you are the whole press service which has to correctly and technologically shine your activity, why it is senseless to spend for this time? I do not understand how it is possible to sit something there to write when or it is necessary to solve problems, or you have a full reception of people? – Alexey Gordeyev considers.

it is possible, Vadim Kstenin were affected by words Alexey Gordeyev, but at present the mayor of Voronezh is not present in social networks.

2015 became rotary in career Vadim Kstenin. It appointed the first deputy head of Administration of the city district Voronezh city on municipal economy and inhabitants stole Republic of Ingushetia. As for stealing, it happened on May 29. About 7 o'clock in the morning the personal driver of the official went to the house of the chief to office Toyota. On car wash down the street Liouba Shevtsova it was attacked by three unknown. As it became clear later, inhabitants Republic of Ingushetia appeared malefactors.

Attacking twisted the driver, jostled in the car and ordered to go further. Nothing the suspecting official, expecting arrival of the driver, stood near the house. Malefactors jostled in the car and it then went to a forest belt near the Southwest cemetery. There thieves began to demand from Kstetin some million rubles.

- the Victim agreed to give money, having explained that will try to find though part of the sum, and the rest will transfer later, - told in the press service of SU of SKR on Voronezh region. - Malefactors fixed time of a meeting and a place where it was necessary to give money then disappeared.

the village Stupino Ramon district appeared

This place. Vadim Kstenin addressed with the statement in police, and later, at transfer of money to thieves, all three were detained. On the same day the criminal case was it is submitted to the regional Committee of inquiry, attacking arrested.

- All of us, of course, are very glad to safe permission of destiny Vadim Kstenin, but not seldom such stories come to an end with resignation the official involved in similar affairs, - declared "the Notebook Voronezh" after stealing the political scientist Inyutin Vladimir. – Why it, instead of the head of other department was elected by a target by extortioners? If these Ingushs wanted is banal quickly to take money from someone, it is enough to them to run on there was nobody the businessman, Voronezh "rich person". But they carried on a cemetery to talk chapter of regional department on housing and communal services. Still the governor would take! This act reminds despair gesture whichever there was the southern temperament of these people rather, but not full they are idiots!

brothers Alikhan, Magomedai Ruslan Lvovich Kochetov Kotiyev appeared

Thieves. The particular interest of this history gives that fact that the Soviet regional court closed process on business for the press and the public. The judge motivated this decision with need to protect data of participants of process from disclosure. In too time the member of Civic chamber of Voronezh Kudryavtseva Galina asked the chairman oblsduda Tarasova Vasilii to open trial over thieves Vadim Kstenin. She declared that the acting the mayor is a public figure therefore residents of Voronezh have to know about "moral and ethical qualities of the official". According to a number of sources, in court can declare such facts from life Vadim Kstenin who can call into question his political career for this reason meeting and takes place in the closed mode.

After peripetias with stealing Vadim Kstenin was transferred to

occupied this position before appointment of the acting the mayor. After appointment Alexey Gordeyev. Then they discussed realization of introduction on traffic light objects of Japanese technologies. By the way, it introduce still and drivers yet do not see differences from the Russian traffic lights. Let's note that residents of Voronezh and initially were skeptical about Japanese technologies.

On a post of the first deputy mayor Vadim Kstenin was remembered by promises expeditious repairs roads. On one of planning meetings it charged to officials from management of road economy messages continuous monitoring behind a condition of a street road network. It is connected with that because of continuous change of air temperature on roads holes can be formed.

- In this case need to start quickly repair UDS by means of cast asphalt, – Vadim Kstenin noted.

But as practice shows, problems with roads after winter anywhere did not get to still. During popular vote on a portal "the Notebook Voronezh" readers spoke concerning time of emergence of good roads in the capital of the Chernozem region. As a result of 68% voted consider that good it will not be expensive in Voronezh never. Another 25% think that power change can affect quality of roads only.

The loudest infopovody for the majority of the citizens, with Vadim Kstenin, the statement for construction in Voronezh the subway became connected. In August, 2017 during meeting of the Russian-Japanese working group on formation of a comfortable urban environment, the official made the report on subway construction. Vadim Kstenin declared that for laying of the first branch of the subway it is required to 35 billion rubles. Extent of this site will make 20 kilometers. The branch will last from sport center "Olimpik" to Shopping Center Metro on Ostuzhev Street. On this line 18 stations and one depot will be located. Vadim Kstenin also read that autostructure use without use of drivers is planned. In the long term the first branch of the subway will significantly facilitate a transport situation in the city. This project in 15 years will pay off. However already later few months the sum of construction increased by 8,7 billion rubles, and on April 4, 2018 the official estimated chances of emergence of the subway in Voronezh at less than 50%. It made it before conference on elections of the town governor, zachityvy the program.

For years of the work as the official, Vadim Kstenin submitted data on the income twice. According to the published data, for 2016 it reflected the income in 2,37 million rubles in the declaration. Year before it reached 2,29 million rubles. Causes many questions a situation with real estate of the mayor – he simply does not have it. Thus Vadim Kstenin uses the apartment and premises on 80 and 93,5 sq.m respectively. The spouse of the official brought in the family budget 545,8 thousand rubles. In its possession the apartment on 80 sq.m which the mayor (according to the declaration) uses also, garage on 45,3 sq.m, and also two land plots on 1 thousand sq.m. And here that for the room in 93,5 sq.m Vadim Kstenin uses remains a riddle. In using of his wife of this area is not present. Also on the minor child of mister Vadim Kstenin an apartment half on 69,3 sq.m is issued, also for 2016 he earned 111 thousand rubles. The car at the disposal of a family Ksteninykh is not present.

The situation with the spouse Vadim Kstenin Kstetina in general looks very interestingly – in the Network there are no data even about her name. All private life of the mayor carefully disappears and together with the wife on public Vadim Kstenin appeared only once – at an election of the president of the country. The official came with the wife to the polling station. It is the only joint picture available on Internet that looks enough strange for such public person.

on April 4, 2018 at meeting of municipal duma Vadim Kstenin was allocated with powers of the mayor of Voronezh. 25 deputies voted for it, 5 people were against. The program with which Vadim Kstenin stood in the mayor was published in Social network Facebook by the deputy from Communist Party of the Russian Federation Ashifin Konstantin. In it the mayor promises that key decisions will be made taking into account opinion of the population, public organizations and representatives businesses. According to the program, this year outcome construction for January 9, also in plans the device of the doubler of Moskovsky Avenue and outcome construction on Ostuzhev will end.

As for a problem public transports, Vadim Kstenin promises new buses and allocated strips for them. In plans of the mayor continuation of reconstruction of squares and parks and increase in the income in the city budget. To make it it is planned to carry out due to developments small and medium business, increases in a collecting of taxes and liquidations of the municipal bankrupt enterprises.

Soshin Mikhail

Vadim Kstenin
Last position: Head (Administration of the city district Voronezh city)
Ruslan Lvovich Kochetov
Last position: Deputy (Voronezh City Council)
Alexey Gordeyev
Last position: Vice-chairman (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Alexander Trubnikov
Main activity:Politician
Koliukh Sergei