In Yakutsk carried out tests of the new plane for regional transportations

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of news agency of federal information portal "SakhaNews" . Prototype of the new plane for regional transportations of TVS-2DTS of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "U-UAZ" tested on the basis of Aviakompaniya "Polyarnye avialinii" in Yakutsk. The authorities plan to receive Sakha (Yakutia) Republic planes of new type that will allow to update park of regional aeromechanics, reports information agency "ITAR-TASS". to

Earlier it was reported that average age of operated air park in the region makes 37 years at An-24, 32 years - at the Mi-8 helicopters and more 30 years - at An-2. According to the developers, the new light TVS-2DTS multi-purpose plane will favourably differ from the analogs presented in the market of small aircraft (Cessna, Pilatus, An-2).

"With introduction of this plane considerably will raise transport availability, especially it concerns inhabitants of the Arctic and northern areas. For our republic development small aircraft is one of priorities. If to remember Soviet period, even within central Sakha (Yakutia) Republic almost the An-2 plane An-2" , - the minister told transports Sakha (Yakutia) Republic to Vinokurov Semen , having explained that the park of aviation equipment the Yakut airline needs updating.

According to developers, technical characteristics of the TVS-2DTS plane developed on the AH-2 base An-2, are improved due to application of new technologies and materials.

"Was succeeded to increase considerably cruiser speed - to 330 km/h. At the expense of a biplanovy design it is possible to transport to 3 tons of freight. The successful design with application of composite materials allows to increase range of flight to unique in a class of 5912 km" , - the representative of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "U-UAZ" told Burenkov Kirill. according to developers, application of TVS-2DTS will allow "Polar Airlines" to expand a route network and to reduce cost of flights. Besides, the plane is intended for use in sanitary aircraft, aviaforest conservation.

The new plane is developed for regional aircraft by JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "U-UAZ" and Federal state unitary enterprise "SibNIA named after S. A. Chaplygina".

Semen Vinokurov
Main activity:Official
Burenkov Kirill
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles
Aviakompaniya "Polyarnye avialinii"