For the first time in 20 years in Krasnoselskom the area passed competition milkmaids

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Operators of machine milking – so now is called this honourable profession, Krasnoselsky rayon Kostroma region gathered in Afanasovo's village.

Seven milkmaids from agricultural farms of the area showed to

the skill in again revived competition. The workers landowners from SPK "Gridino" provided, Collective farm "Rodina", to JSC "Agromol", SPK"Zavolzhye" and SPK "Afanasovsky".

Competition included three stages. In the first, theoretical, operators passed a test for knowledge of a profile of work, in the second sorted and assembled the milking machine for a while, and already in the third, final, milked cows.

Certainly in spite of the fact that, the competitive part was the participant defining, nevertheless, willingly exchanged among themselves experience. Perhaps they also hid any highlights of the skill: who can reproach them with it? But, communication, transfer of experience, councils and the helps, any nuances were transferred very actively.

as a result the winner competitions became the operator of machine milking Paturova Lyubov from SPK "Gridino".

Can welcome such initiative of administration only. Probably, in the future there will be same competitions and other specialties, for example, tractor operators as we were told in DEPARTMENT SELSKOGO ECONOMY DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION, plans such are.

the Message on competition professional skill is published by

Paturova Lyubov
SPK "Gridino"
SPK "Afanasovsky"
CJSC "Agromol"
Collective farm "Rodina"