On Shikotan will open two new fish processing plants

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On Shikotan will open two new fish processing plants

In the village of Krabozavodsk proceeds construction of a modern complex on processing of fish. Start-up of its first stage will take place in October of this year. And in the summer, as expected, construction of one more, larger enterprise which will let out fish products in ice cream and cooled types, and also canned food will be developed in other village of Shikotan – Low-Kuril-. The press secretary of the governor reported Sakhalin region .

Implementation of two projects will allow to create

in addition on the island of 820 workplaces and to attract about 10 billion rubles of private investments.

In a bay Crab for new productions already built the unique cargo transshipment mooring of pontoon type. Two harvesting vessels can be processed here at once. The catch from cooled holds carefully is pumped over on the coast on special rybokanalam. Such technology allows to keep high quality of production.

"Krabozavodskoye's" Fish factory supplies today all country with the frozen fish. From last year here arranged production canned food and now daily let out to 8 thousand cans with a cod and pollock liver. In total to the 2017th plant admitted in processing 23 thousand tons of a raw. With input of the second production line these volumes considerably will grow.

- Today existing capacities are completely loaded by

and Iceland. In addition to four hundred available 120 workplaces will be created, - Bocharnikov Vladimir, director general told companies "The Kuril fisherman". – In the enterprise territory zhiromuchny production on 20 tons per day and a hostel for ryboobrabotchik also will take place. Within implementation of the project we intend to get one more harvesting vessel.

By estimates of the builders, the new enterprise is already ready on a third. The shop basis - a multilevel framework is established, stage-by-stage filling of concrete is conducted.

- By September we have to start the first stage of plant. It is the line of cutting of a pollock. Fish will be processed in a brainless carcass and fillet. Waste will go for tukovy production, - the head of the company contractor JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GIDROSTROY" Svetlikov Youri told.

Second modern for Shikotan and only Sakhalin region the enterprise will appear in the village Low-Kuril. Its construction, as expected, will begin forthcoming summer. The project became anchor for the territory of advancing developments "Kuriles". The existing Fish factory "Ostrovnoy" becomes a complex basis on production of the frozen and cooled fish products, and also canned food.

Within the project the new cannery is planned to construct

fish meal, a freezing warehouse on 15 thousand tons and two robotized freezing installations. More than 700 new workplaces will be created.

the Importance of both projects which have key value for developments Kuril economy and creation of comfortable living conditions on islands, were highly appreciated by the governor of the region Oleg Kozhemyako. During a trip to Yuzhno-Kurilsk district it examined capacities under construction. For future employees of plants, he noted, the decision on construction of necessary rent housing is made.

- With input on Kuriles new processing plants, building of social objects and housing, roads, improvement of transport availability of these territories consistently resolve the issues saved here on years. Finally islands have to find absolutely other modern shape, - the head of area emphasized.

Construction of new fish processing plants on the island Shikotan is conducted by

within performance of a task of development branch which was put by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The head of state gave an assignment to federal Ministry of Fisheries to sate domestic market of the country qualitative, various fish production for reasonable prices.

Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 674
Oleg Kozhemyako
Youri Nikolaevich Svetlikov
Bocharnikov Vladimir