To Khilda Khayn: Russia is what to show to the whole world on EXPO-2025

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the President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to Khilda Khayn commented on carrying out prospects in Yekaterinburg of the World Fair "EXPO-2025".

"Russia has many interesting practices, rich culture and history — to you, undoubtedly, is what to show, and you are worthy to receive this exhibition. I was surprised, having learned that "EXPO" still never passed in Russia. This historical injustice needs to be corrected" — told Khilda Khayn.

we Will remind

, according to plans of the International bureau of exhibitions, a global forum for which carrying out Yekaterinburg applies, will pass from May 2 to November 2, 2025. The declared subject of Yekaterinburg for competition — "Transforming the world: innovations and the best life — for future generations". She suggests to consider how innovations will promote development of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region and the whole world as a whole as the subject opens influence of innovations on environment, technologies, education, health care, welfare of people, economy and many other aspects.

the Fair ground in 2025 will be determined by

at the 164th session of General assembly of MBV in November, 2018. World Fairs pass time in five years. In 2015 of "EXPO" took place in Milan (Italy), and in the 2020th it will be carried out in Dubai (United Arab Emirates).

the Text Nasibullin Timur prepared,

Khilda Khayn
Main activity:Politician
Nasibullin Timur