In prosecutor's office the area an inspection of the resolution taken out by the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights of Administration of the municipal district Shpakovsk of the Stavropol Territory is carried out

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In prosecutor's office the area an inspection of the resolution taken out by the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights of Administration of the municipal district Shpakovsk of the Stavropol Territory is carried out. during the carried-out inspection in activity STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION ASSEMBLY TRUST NAMED AFTER KAZACHYEGO GENERALA S. S. NIKOLAEVA are established to br of violation of requirements of the Federal law of 29.12.2012 No. 273-FZ "About education to Russian Federation", the Federal law of 24.06.1999 No. 120-FZ "About bases of system of prevention of neglect and offenses of minors", the Federal law of 24.07.1998 No. 124-FZ "About the main guarantees of the rights of the child to Russian Federation". during the carried-out inspection it is established that the puncture about an administrative offense, concerning the minor is made "In" which being in a public place, used alcohol-containing production. In unspecified for this purpose a place, than broke the Federal law.
the Above testifies that the illegal behavior of the minor "In", turned out to be consequence of that scheduled maintenance with the minor is carried out formally and no necessary impact on it has that points to inadequate execution by officials of GBPOU "Versatile technical school of a name of the general of Nikolaev S. S." g. Mikhaylovsk, current legislation requirements. Nikolaev " g. Mikhaylovsk are brought representation, upon violation of the above requirements which is at a consideration stage.