The ultramarathoner Yerokhin Dimitri will run through all Republic of Kalmykia from the North on the South

@RIA Kalmykija
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passed Today a briefing in the press center of RIA "Kalmykia" with the known Russian ultramarathoner Yerokhin Dimitri who in April, 2018 will run Republic of Kalmykia from the North on the South in support of preservation of population of saigas. The idea of a marathon arose at Yerokhin Dimitri last year when it took part in "RunUralan-2017".

At a meeting also were present the minister of natural resources and RK Sapronov Boris and the deputy director for scientific work of the national park "Black lands" as Badmaev Vladimir .

On the First of April Yerokhin Dimitri starts

from an extreme geographical point of the republic which is in several kilometers to the north of Honch Nour's settlement Malye Derbety district. The marathon will come to the end on the eighth of April to the south of the settlement Artezian Chernozemelsky district, practically on border with Republic of Dagestan. The total distance of a marathon will make nearly 500 km, and in day the athlete plans to run from 60 to 80 km.

in journalists Yerokhin Dimitri admitted conversation that to Republic of Kalmykia managed to understand one of the main principles of the correct running: "It is your national tradition – true and correct. I understood that it is impossible to run counterclockwise. Also know, I am " rummaged " at myself in the head and remembered that in the three unsuccessful marathons I ran exactly counterclockwise".

"The saiga is an ancient symbol of the steppe. My running is the international practice as similar sporting events unite with ecological ideas for support and promoting. Thus, we want to pay attention of people to important environmental problems. I hope that my running will draw additional attention to a problem of protection of saigas not only among inhabitants Russian Federation, but also the world. I will note that I will have a GPS program thanks to which me will be able to trace worldwide. And inhabitants have Republic of Kalmykia

Besides, every day the athlete intends to share on social networks stories about Republic of Kalmykia, about life in settlements and villages in which it will stop on a lodging for the night.

Should tell that the proposal of Yerokhin Dimitri with pleasure supported in Ministry of natural resources and RK environmental protections. Department will provide to the runner technical maintenance during running. "This action is necessary for preservation and enhancement of population of a saiga, especially among young generation. Therefore we with pleasure supported Yerokhin Dimitri and we will take active part in this event", – Boris Sapronov told at a briefing Sapronov Boris

by words Badmaev Vladimir , are planned today positive dynamics in the number of saigas. "This good fact pleases and testifies that we work not for nothing. Joint efforts we will be able to increase population of this look. The stock of Yerokhin Dimitri will show that protection of a saiga concerns not only nature protection and law enforcement agencies, but also all inhabitants of our republic", – Badmayev added Badmaev Vladimir

Upon completion of a marathon Yerokhin Dimitri intends to prepare the amateur movie which will be laid out on open spaces Internet. Also the athlete hoped that this running will not be the last.

Boris Nikolaevich Sapronov
Main activity:Official
Yerokhin Dimitri
Badmaev Vladimir
Ministry of natural resources and RK environmental protections
Government Agency