In the Duma Krasnodar

@Vol'naja Kuban'
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How to fly in "Tape" on Western? Why an issue of construction of the crosswalk deputies
should deal with

New hypermarket "Lenta" on the Western round opened in 2017 and it is located just through road from ZhK "Svetlograd", however still the crosswalk here is not equipped: inhabitants should run across the six-band road and to get through a road protection.

the Developed dangerous situation was considered by

at glider meeting Krasnodar City Council — the question was submitted for consideration by the deputy Sergei Fisyuk. In a deputy reception many complaints and requests for crosswalk arrangement arrived. The chairman Galushko Vera noted Krasnodar City Council

As were explained by Sergei Fisyuk, the reply to the request about building of elevated transition from the management of "Tape" did not arrive yet, however, according to the deputy, earlier representatives of a distribution network declared unwillingness to equip such transition (cost — about 30 million rubles) as the shopping center positions itself as the center for visitors on motor transport.

according to the director of the department of transports and road economy Arkhipov Vladimir, complaints arrive not only to the deputy — there are appeals of citizens to Administration kraya and the cities. Earlier the situation was more than once studied: so, the builder constructed the stopping Svetlograd complex, the city prolonged to "Tape" two routes of public transport (the bus No. 4 and a share taxi No. 34). However to provide availability of shopping center to pedestrians — a duty of the management of hypermarket. In response to the statement that the shopping center is guided only by car owners, the city suggested to protect a parking that citizens could not cross the brisk road regional value (The western round) in the place not intended for this purpose as it can provoke serious road accidents. However the parking is not fenced. Now to "Svetlograd's" inhabitants recommend to reach in hypermarket public transport (one stop) not to risk life and health.

the First deputy mayor Vasin Sergei noted as possible option of a solution the appeal to prosecutor's office: "Tape" — not the center wholesale trades, and retail network, and safe approach to it has to be provided. And the deputy Boris Borisovich Krupnov suggested to address in Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare: it is necessary to check, whether the rights of consumers are violated by it. Galushko Vera suggested that a situation MChS.<"38>" Krom of preparation of addresses to the designated structures deputies together with City administration can become interested in

will check executive documentation: at the time of shopping center input in operation the Western round planned to expand, quite possibly, already then planned to equip the crosswalk.

Galushko Vera asked two committees of the Duma — on property, privatization, land management, town-planning and architectural activity (the chairman Timofeev Victor) and on the industry, construction, transports, to communication and environmental protection (the chairman Aslan Yusufovich Nekhay), and also Department of Architecture and Urban Planning to deal with this issue soon.

As we know, next day in Krasnodar City Council the meeting part in which took the chairman of the Duma Galushko Vera, the first deputy chairman Krasnodar City Council Timofeev Victor, the chairman of committee on the industry, construction, transports, communication and environmental protection of the Duma Aslan Yusufovich Nekhay, directors and the chief engineer of Lenta hypermarket (The western round) Subbotkina M. and Tishchenko D. took place. Deputies designated a problem before Shopping Center Lenta management, stated the vision of its decision and hoped for the fastest permission of the matter.

On Chernyshevsky again there are rains Chernyshevsky Street on a site from May Day to Jerks the most part of time is impounded by

. What is necessary for a solution?

the Question were submitted for consideration by the deputy  Anna Olkhovaya. As design of the stormwater drainage and its construction together with capital repairs roads will manage in the large sum (5 and 22 million rubles) and it is impossible in the current year, the chairman of City Council Galushko Vera recommended to department of transports and road economy City administration to consider possibility of insert of the existing stormwater drainage in a collector of tobacco factory: networks were built by the city, it should not become a problem. Such measure will allow to drain constantly podtaplivayemy site. repair this site of the road is also necessary.

— We can speak about need of allocation of tens of millions rubles for a solution and complain that means are not put in budget, and we can as in situation with floodings on Slavic, to lay 20 meters of a pipe to bring the gravel car, and at residents becomes one problem less — Galushko Vera emphasized. — We hope that the department of transports and road economy will be able to find the solution of this question within ten days.

Here will be the garden city

Dalny Boulevard Continuation from Dzerzhinsky Street to Turgenev would be very comfortable decision for residents. Whether but it is possible?

the Question on glider meeting Krasnodar City Council were taken out by the deputy Alexander Borisovich Semenko. As the director of the department of architecture and town planning Frolov Mikhail noted, the most part of the territory which can become boulevard continuation, is in a private property. According to the director of the department of municipal property and city lands Narizhny Alexander, get to borders of continuation of the boulevard three sites provided in rent to natural persons. On the first — of 800 square meters — the tenant planned to place shop. The decision on rent is already cancelled. On the second, of 918 square meters, the tenant planned to construct cafe. There is a preparation of the statement of claim to court for cancellation of contracts rent. The third site small — only six square meters (under placement of an advertizing design) — in rent till 2033, it will not prevent arrangement of continuation of the boulevard, Galushko Vera noted. She is sure: it is already necessary to prepare documentation on assignment for sites of the status of especially protected territory released from rent obligations — it will allow to save them from possible building.

As were added by the director of the department of municipal economy and energy industry Bely Wladyslaw, Dalny Boulevard was well-planned thanks to the federal project "Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment". In case of its continuation participation in this project is again possible.

the Deputy Alexander Borisovich Semenko expressed gratitude to deputy corps and City administration for offer support:

— If Dalny Boulevard to bring

to Turgenev Street, there will be a remarkable foot zone with an exit to the square Festival. It is necessary to provide safe transition down the street Turgeneva, and citizens will have a fine opportunity for rest and sports activities.

Sergei Fisyuk
Last position: Deputy of City Council of Krasnodar of the VI convocation (Krasnodar City Council)
Boris Borisovich Krupnov
Last position: Deputy (Krasnodar City Council)
Aslan Yusufovich Nekhay
Last position: Director general (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MPMK "KRASNODARSKAYA-1")
 Anna Olkhovaya
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of committee on social policy and health protection (Krasnodar City Council)
Alexander Borisovich Semenko
Main activity:Politician