In the Grodno cardiocenter became more often to do operations without big cuts

@Vechernij Grodno
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heart Operations without big cuts began to do more. The chief physician of BONDS told about it "The Grodno regional clinical cardiological center" Andrey Yanushko during press conference on Thursday, March 22.

— Similar interventions are carried out generally on the valvate device of heart, without big cuts (it no more than 5 cm) and deformations of a bone skeleton of a thorax. Last year thus more than 50% of one-valve interventions were executed — the chief physician of the cardiocenter told.

After such operations patients are quicker restored by

, spend less time in clinic, close sick-lists earlier and come to work.

the Reference of "VG"

last year in the cardiocenter were executed by 500 open heart operations. More than 300 electropacemakers are annually implanted. In a year in medical institution there pass hospitalization more than 6 000 people — these are patients with the heaviest pathology of cardiovascular system, in polyclinic office about 120 people daily get advice.