More than 500 open heart operations were performed by the Grodno cardiosurgeons in 2017

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on March 22, Grodno / BELTA/Correspondent. More than 500 open heart operations were performed by the Grodno cardiosurgeons in 2017. The chief physician of the Grodno regional clinical cardiological center Andrey Yanushko , the correspondent reports Belarusian cable agency "Belta".

It was noted by

and areas, even more often ask for the help foreign citizens.

"Criterion of an assessment of our work is also the volume of surgical interventions. We reached high level - over 500 open heart operations. The result of the carried-out treatment is also important. And a postoperative lethality we will compare low interest of postoperative complications about Europe", - Andrey Yanushko declared. In the center the range of carried-out cardiac interventions extends, new techniques take root.

the Technique of a mini-invasive heart surgery allows to carry out heart operations from minimum possible cuts." After such operations patients are quicker restored, spend less time on the sick-list, come to work earlier and adapt for normal life", - Andrey Yanushko noted. Mini-invasive heart surgery attracts an increasing number of foreign patients.

Rendering the emergency help at a sharp myocardial infarction - one of the most important areas of work of the cardiocenter. In time given help allows to reduce heart attack consequences considerably." But here very important governed "gold hour" - time from developments a pain syndrome until opening of a coronary artery. Therefore I want to address to all: it is the extremely important if heart ached, at once to call the ambulance that doctors had time for decrease in risk of a myocardial infarction and its possible prevention", - Andrey Yanushko added. In total for 2017 over 800 patients with such diagnosis are treated.

it is successful in the center treat violations of a rhythm and conductivity of heart. More than 300 electropacemakers are annually implanted.