The Austrian recognized as the victim of gender discrimination because of increase of the female colleague

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the Official will receive from the state about 390 thousand dollars of compensation for everything that time which the position instead of it was held by the woman.

Peter Frantsmayr

Peter Franzmeir/Foto

To Austria the official fell a victim of gender discrimination. The federal administrative court recognized Peter Franzmeir injured in a situation when instead of it to a senior position appointed the woman, reports news portal "The Local" .

B 2011 three candidates competed for a place in ministry of transport, and all were rather qualified for this role. Ursula Zekhner heading the rail Schienen-Control regulator, finally bypassed two other male applicants.

Frantsmayr continued to work as the lawyer, but made claim for discrimination on the basis of a floor. Court later decided seven years that, "obviously, from the very beginning to Zenkher treated with big preference, than to other candidates".

the Victim of discrimination will receive about 390 thousand dollars from the state. The difference enters them in salary which he could receive at increase, and also compensation of moral damage.

Doris Bures, holding at that time a position of the minister of finance, declared that at a choice of the candidate there was no discrimination on a sexual sign.

"I hope, this situation will not influence in any way advance of women on service further", – she told.

Doris Bures
Main activity:Politician
Ministry for transport
Government Agency